01 January 2012

New Year Resolution 2012

Happy New Year 2012!!!

This is the third New Year resolution which I have published in my blog. After re-read the New Year resolutions for 2010 and 2011, I felt that they are quite silly. But it also means that I have improved my thought, philosophy and insight compared to last few years. It is a good thing to encourage me keep move up in my life and help me to get rid of the same mistakes in my life.

In order for me to make a holistic New Year resolution, I have separated them into non-recurring and recurring resolution. This is because I have learnt that some of the resolution should be maintained annually. In the same time, some of them are needed to be modified to suit present conditions.

Overall, I feel that I only managed to complete 80% of my 2011 New Year resolution because I have spent more time in some of them and almost forget the others. To avoid this problem, I think it is a good idea to put a summary of my resolution in the bar so it can remind me everytime I visit my blog.

Recurring Resolution
1. Life Management
Wake up early and exercise everyday Action:
Be self-discipline. Having a good habit is just the beginning of a road of success.
Be more patient with people around me:
Appreciate more, complaint less.
2. Financial Management
Protect my Investment Fund Action:
Always invest based on my own investment philosophy, i.e. value investing strategy. Modify portfolio only based on intrinsic value.
3. Career Management
Constantly and Never Ending Improve myself Action:
Read -> Think -> Share

Non-recurring Resolution
1. Life Management
Improve physical body and health:
Hiking and eating health regularly.
2. Financial Management
Having a deposit for my new house which should  be provided by my investment portfolio:
Based on current portfolio, hopefully, I can achieve 100% return on my Investment Fund at the end of 2012 to acheive the target.
3. Career Management
Putting the first priority for career management to catch up what was missed and complete the project on time.

That's all for today. More fascinating articles and sharing will be updated from time to time in Xaivier Blog. So, you are welcome to subscribe our feed, look at our sitemap or simply visit our Homepage.

Written by: Xaivier Chia


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