24 July 2015

Seed to Plant - Controllable Versus Uncontrollable Factors

When we plant a seed into soil. There are three possible outcomes - Nothing will come out; Expected plant is grown; and unexpected plant is grown. The reasons behind could be mainly due to two factors: our personal technical mistakes (e.g. our ignorance or careless); and environmental issues (e.g. weather). The former can be classified as controllable; while the latter can be categorized as uncontrollable. In this post, we are going to discuss a way to achieve what we want via differentiating these Controllable and Uncontrollable Factors.

17 July 2015

Free Presentation Tools via Your Smartphone - Wireless Microphone and powerpoint controller - offline

Due to the intensive development of smartphone applications, we can use our smartphone as a multipurpose device. Its application can be from as simple as a torch or a calculator, to a medical diagnosis device. In this post, I am going to share with you a way to use your smartphone as an effective presentation tool, i.e. a wireless microphone and controller, for your business or presentation. These tools do not require an internet connect, but you need to use your laptop as a hotspot for your smartphone.