02 December 2020

Stock Market performance: 9 months after Covid-19

Stock Market is returned back to pre-Covid-19 after around one year of Covid-19. For those who insisted to having company shares via stock market during the beginning of this challenging period is definitely enjoying the fruits now. 

The price of many stocks are raising toward the pre-Covid-19 level - due to the news of vaccine development despite the condition of Covid-19 appears uncontrollable. Thus, to survive in stock market, we must always prepare for the worst case when people are too optimistic. 

If you get a recipe to identify a stock with 99% success rate in earning money, you should not put all money in based on that recipe too. This is because even you earn money for N times, the profits will be destroyed in seconds if you just lost the profit in the N+1 times.   

That's why there are always lots of new "Stock God" come out and disappear in stock market. 

Thus, aiming for steady return is wiser and healthier in the long run, mentally and physically.

As retail investors, we have two main advantages to implement two sustainable strategies i.e. long term investment and portfolio investment. I will share about these in the coming posts.

That's all for today. More fascinating articles and sharing will be updated weekly* in Xaivier Blog. So, you are welcome to subscribe our feed to receive our weekly updates

Written by: Xaivier Chia

P/S: The above sharing is solely based on personal insight and information that believed to be reliable. Your valuable feedback are very welcome.


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