11 April 2014

Trump - Think like a billionaire: A Summary & Insight

Donald John Trump, Sr. (born June 14, 1946) is an American business magnate, investor, television personality and author. He is the chairman and president of The Trump Organization and the founder of Trump Entertainment Resorts. (source: wiki)
After taking a couple of hours enjoying this great sharing written by Donald John Trump, I do find lots of interesting insights shared by the Author. In this post, I summary few of them as a record for me to refresh my memory about the sharing.

Be confident

  1. “We don’t care what the odds are. We don’t listen to common sense or do what is conventional or expected. We follow our vision, no matter how crazy or idiotic other people think it is.”
  2. “Don’t assume you have to accept the hand you were dealt.”
  3. “They don’t care what other people think about them. They are happy to go off and do what we are doing.”
  4. “They are successful in part because they are narcissists who devote their talent with unrelenting focus to achieving their dreams, even if it is sometimes at the expense of those around them.”
  5. “It is even more impressive if people discover your accomplishments without you telling them directly.”

Top ten ways of thinking like a billionaire:

  1. Don’t take vacation
  2. Have a short attention span
  3. Don’t sleep any more than you have to – No matter how brilliant you are, there is not enough time in the day.
  4. Don’t depend on technology – a lot of other tech devices are completely unnecessary and get in the way of human contact
  5. Think of yourself as a one-man army
  6. It is often to your advantage to be underestimated.
  7. Success breeds success.
  8. Friends are good, but family is better.
  9. Treat each decision like a lower.
  10. Be curious – to be alive to your surroundings and hungry to understand your immediate world.

About Properties Investment - How to pick a location

(a) What is the pattern of the day?

  1. When does the neighborhood wake up and when does it go to bed?
  2. What sort of people are living there and working there?
  3. Check it out on the weekends.

(b) Go for the view

  1. “The current view might look out over a parking facility or an empty lot, but that could change in a week.
  2. “make sure you have a good idea that the view there today will be there tomorrow.”

(c) Finding space in marginal neighborhood, buying or renting at a lower price, and then waiting for the neighborhood to improve.

Overall, this book reflects ways to be a successful business magnate and investor. Since the book is arranged into small sub-sections (2~5 pages), I personally quite enjoy the reading process of quickly identifying the area I am interested in. Thus, I would like to give it five out of five stars for Trump - Think like a billionaire.
That's all for today. More fascinating articles and sharing will be updated weekly in Xaivier Blog. So, you are welcome to subscribe our feed to receive our weekly updates.

Written by: Xaivier Chia

P/S: The above sharing is solely based on personal insight and information that believed to be reliable. Your valuable feedback are very welcome.


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