Finally, I have successfully made my first purchase from eBay. Undeniable, there are plenty goods available in eBay that are quite difficult to be find in local. The main problem I faced was to make a payment to sellers.
The most widely accepted payment method in eBay may be Paypal. Interestingly, some sellers only allow Paypal verified members to be their customers for security issues. Thus, Paypal appears to be indispensable for us to make a deal in eBay.
For international purchases, US dollar may be the most convenient currency. Due to the fact that I cannot convert my RM (Malaysia dollar) to US dollar in my Paypal account, the use of credit card appears to be my last resort. For consumers who do not have a credit card, debit card is now accepted by Paypal to make payment. Nonetheless, please make sure you have enough balance in my saving account when you use your debit card.
The following three steps summarise the ways I used to buy my interested goods from eBay.