30 April 2013

Link Maybank Debit Card to Paypal for eBay purchase from Malaysia

Finally, I have successfully made my first purchase from eBay. Undeniable, there are plenty goods available in eBay that are quite difficult to be find in local. The main problem I faced was to make a payment to sellers.
The most widely accepted payment method in eBay may be Paypal. Interestingly, some sellers only allow Paypal verified members to be their customers for security issues. Thus, Paypal appears to be indispensable for us to make a deal in eBay.
For international purchases, US dollar may be the most convenient currency. Due to the fact that I cannot convert my RM (Malaysia dollar) to US dollar in my Paypal account, the use of credit card appears to be my last resort. For consumers who do not have a credit card, debit card is now accepted by Paypal to make payment. Nonetheless, please make sure you have enough balance in my saving account when you use your debit card.
The following three steps summarise the ways I used to buy my interested goods from eBay.

22 April 2013

LBS BINA GROUP BERHAD (5789) – Multiple Proposals – Revision

After sharing my mini homework regarding the multiple proposals of LBS Bina Group Berhad (5789), the market price of LBS (5789) dropped another 10% from RM1.00 to RM0.90. In other words, another 10% discount in terms of investing cost. Therefore, I decide to revise the valuation on LBS (5789) in this post.

Revenue upon the disposal

Since the total disposal revenue will be around RM653million, and the total share number of LBS is around 386million, then the revenue per share will be RM1.69. In other words, Zhuhai holdings (the buyer) plans to spend around RM1.69 per share to acquire the two assets (that are, Land Plots and Lakewood Golf Club) of LBS (5789).

20 April 2013

Stock Investment: Panic Sell Vs Panic Buy

Quite often, we 'label' our decision as 'panic sell' if the market price of the business we sold is higher than the price we sold; and 'panic buy' if the market price of the business we bought is lower than the price we paid. In short, we simply blame our emotion that caused us making such a silly decision, don't you?

Nobody knows

However, if we think about this matter again, very quickly, we discover that nobody can always buy with the lowest price and nobody can always sell with the highest price. It is true simply because nobody knows who is the last person who sells with the lowest price or buys with the highest price.

13 April 2013

The 5 Money Personalities - Speaking the Same Love and Money Language: Review



Scott Palmer and Bethany Palmer present the five money personalities, that are, saver, spender, risk taker, security seeker, and flyer, in this book. Instead of explaining the ways to earn, invest or manage our money, authors highlight the importance of UNDERSTANDING the ways people use their money. This book provides ways that help us to identify our and other people money personalities in such ways that the conflict that due to misunderstanding can be avoided. Consequently, it improves our relationship.

11 April 2013

LBS BINA GROUP BERHAD (5789) – Multiple Proposals – a mini homework

Referring to LBS BINA GROUP BERHAD (5789) latest announcement, hereby I share my humble homework and insight regarding the disposals matter.

Amount of Sales/Disposals

First, total sale consideration is HKD 1,650 million, or around RM657.69million with exchange rate of 1 HKD: 0.3986 RM. Thus, the total sales value of the two assets (that are, Land Plots and Lakewood) is around RM1088million.
Since the wholly-owned subsidiary of LBS (LBS <-100% Intellplace holdings limited <-100% Dragon Hill corporation limited) Dragon Hill’s wholly-owned subsidiary (i.e. Lamdeal Development and Lamdeal Golf ) has 60% of the aforementioned disposal, the estimated revenue for LBS is around RM653million (i.e. RM1088million times 60%).

09 April 2013

HeveaBoard Berhad (Hevea, 5095) : Buy, Hold or Sell?

After holding Hevea more than one year and sharing three parts my homework with my visitors last year (that entitled Introduction and Background StudyThe Potential of China Market and its Operation Segments, and 2011 Performance Review) in my humble personal blog, my patience gets paid, finally. Maybe it is due to the so-called Cold Eyes' effect since Cold Eyes senior mentioned Hevea on last Friday. No matter what the reason is, the most important question I need to answer now is what is the target price that should I sell my Hevea shares in open market.
It is really a crucial question that bother me, especially, when my invested company is appreciated. So far, I am still cannot figure out the best way to optimise all the profit. Nonetheless, after I figure the difference between Positive and Negative Value Investing Strategy and the Seven Habits of Highly Unsuccessful Investors in Stock Market, I have a very simple idea, that are, (1) bear in mind which value investing strategy that I applied now, and (2) if I can avoid those 7 bad habits, then I should achieve the so-called optimal profit.

07 April 2013

How to Complete Malaysia Income Tax Registration via Internet: Request Tax Reference and PIN e-filling No.

Finally, I have my done my Income Tax filling through internet in my room. It is really very convenient to avoid traffic and long queue. Thus, hereby, I would like to record and share my experience that may help you to fill you income tax in your house.

1. Request Tax reference No.

Firstly, for first times user, go to e-Daftar (url: http://edaftar.hasil.gov.my/) to get your Tax reference number of tax. It takes around 3 days. Please make sure the email address is permanent because it will be used to request Pin No as well.

05 April 2013

Positive Vs Negative investors

In this post, you will see that positive investors tend to be positive no matter the condition is, compared to negative investors. Note: We must always make decision based on a sufficient homeworks, instead of some rule of thumb. In story below is based on the assumption that the company involved is a good company.
After buying some shares of a good company with undervalued price:

When the price does not move for months.

Positive investors: It is a very good investment. The price is very STABLE.
Negative investors: What the hell! Sleeping company...*&#^$#^$