04 December 2010

TED: Mechai Viravaidya: How Mr. Condom made Thailand a better place

How to think outside of the box? Can condom bring better future in a country? Again, this is another fascinating and inspiring talk in TED about How Mr. Condom made Thailand a better place by  Mechai Viravaidya. From this talk, we are going to discover the power of condom to save the lives of people, the power of commitment from the people to change their future, and the power of education to made Thailand a better place in a short period of time.

Indeed, a combination of right approach, commitment and education, everything is possible. However, the question is, how many of us have this kind of commitment, how many of us are willing to accept this kind of education, and how many of us are putting our afford to search right approach in our life.

In the stock market investment, for example, how many of us are willing to learn the right approaches, how many of us are looking for the right education, and how many of us have commitment to do them?

Commitment is different from desire.

Of course, all "investors" are desired to earn money from stock market. But, having commitment is another story. Commitment is applying right approach in a long period of time without affected by other people point of view. This is very hard and required lots of self-discipline. Desire, on the other hand, is just sort of temporary feeling. Therefore, it is a good idea to ask yourself whether I am desired or committed to have a relationship first before searching your soul-mate, for instance.

That's all for today. Feel free to give me a comment about this topic or any suggestion about Xaivier Blog. It will be a great support to Xaivier Blog.

Written by: Xaivier Chia

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