27 December 2013

One Word to be Financial Savvy: Effective Return Rate

Recent years, many "attractive, innovative, new" financial products have been provided to "fulfil the needs of consumers". Interestingly, all of them always loses their "charm" for me after I take few minutes to get the most crucial information I want to know - Effective Return Rate.

Typical Examples of "attractive, innovative, new" financial products

There are lots of financial products in the market, from Insurance to Fixed Deposit. In the following context, I am going to talk about Insurance and Fixed Deposit.

26 December 2013

EKSONS (9016) - DISPOSAL OF LAND: A Mini Review

After doing some reviews about proposed of disposal by FACBIND (2984) and LBS (5789), recent disposal of land by Eksons (9016) attracts my eye balls. Nonetheless, my homework indicates that this case appears less attractive compared to my previous case studies, as that stated as follows.

100% Vs 60%

First, it is worthy to highlight that we should only consider 60% of the total potential profits from the deal taken by Eksons (9016). This is because this proposed disposal is going to be taken by its 60% owned subsidiary.

20 December 2013

The Investmet Checklist of Amanah Saham Nasional Berhad for AS 1Malaysia: Review

In Malaysia, besides those investment fund (or unit trust fund) that provided by private sectors, Amanah Saham (AS) Nasional Berhad also provides this kind of financial products for Malaysian to manage their hard earned money via long term investment.  Typically, the return of the AS fund is much attractive compared to fixed deposit. Moreover, due to its historical profit records, many people have perceived that this investment tool is zero risk.  Nonetheless, I should highlight that all investment has risks and all investors are responsible to find out this information. 


In this post, I am not going to encourage or convince you to do any investment decision. Rather, I would like to share some information that I found interesting from the annual report of the Amanah Saham (AS) 1Malaysia. According to the investment strategy that written in the annual report of the Amanah Saham (AS) 1Malaysia 2013, five investment criteria have been highlighted by the fund manager as follows:

13 December 2013

Proposal is still a plan that subject for change: MBSB (1171) - Rights Issues


From knowledge to experience

My mentor once told me - unless a proposal has been accepted and implemented, and there is an attractive potential profits, please do not risk your limited fund. Finally, I do experience this 'prophecy' from portfolio recently, that is, MBSB.

Case study: MBSB

According to the announcement dated 10 October 2013,  MALAYSIA BUILDING SOCIETY BERHAD (MBSB, 1171) proposed to issue two (2) Rights Shares for every five (5) MBSB Shares held, with Issue price RM2.04. Again, in the proposal, it clearly highlights the proforma effects of the Proposed Rights Issue, and emphasises that the proforma is purely for illustration purposes.
Since MBSB is one of my long term invested "business", I have decided to acquire all rights shares. Consequently, in my last acquisition, I decided to buy in extra 5lots to save some transaction fee and to avoid odd lots.

06 December 2013

Six Advantages (or Myths) of Genetically Modified (GM) Fruit: Case study - Tomato

Basically, farmers are required to harvest tomatoes earlier when tomato is still green to ensure that the tomatoes can reach market before it rots. However, the problem is, those earlier harvested tomatoes have less chance to develop flavor, colour, and nutrients naturally.

Genetically Modified (GM) tomato, on the other hand, has been claimed to have six advantages as follows.

(1) Slow ripening process

Yes, according to an article from the “discover magazine” at February 2010, the world’s longest-lasting tomatoes have been developed by biologist in India. This tomato can retain its qualities up to 45 days without refrigeration compared to 15 days which a conventional tomato can.

However, my question is, do you dare to eat this longest-lasting tomato?

29 November 2013

KLSE.8k's Idea to achieve Financial Freedom by Stock Market Investment: A Review

KLSE.8K (a.k.a. 8K) is an experienced and famous investor in Malaysia. Based on 8K's insight, having one million assets in our life is achievable. Firstly, we need to understand the power of compounding.

The Power of Compounding

If your initial capital is RM10,000.00 and your target is RM1,000,000.00, all you need to do is to find 7 undervalued businesses that provide at least 100% potential profits as follows:
0: RM   10,000
1: RM   20,000
2: RM   40,000
3: RM   80,000
4: RM  160,000
5: RM  320,000
6: RM  640,000
7: RM1,280,000
Apparently, this target is achievable.

22 November 2013

The Excitement of an Value Investor: In the Long term

Most people have perceived that value investing strategy is a boring strategy. This may be true in the short term. However, there are lots of excitement in the long term.
To practise value investing strategy, you need a huge of "true brave". Value investors need to do mass of homework plus lots of "imagination" or "speculation". However, the "speculation" is only about the future development of the business based on the results from their homework, instead of their market price.

15 November 2013

Stock Investment Cycle: From Extremely Undervalued to Overvalued

As a value investor, my investment strategy is quite simple - buy undervalued businesses, then sell overvalued businesses. Thus, knowing the stock investment cycle may help me do a better decision. In this post, I would like to summarise what I have learnt about investment cycles - from extremely undervalued to extremely overvalued.

Extremely Undervalued

During the bottom of Bear Market, trading volume is extremely low. Only few investors (who are well prepared) are interested in stock market investment. Most employee may struggle to find good jobs; and most employers may struggle to restructure their business after some sort of financial crisis.
During this moment, most of businesses are extremely undervalued with PE < 5 for small cap; and PE < 10 for blue chip.

08 November 2013

Oversea Travel Tips: Emergency Cash Needed?

One of considerations for oversea trip or travel is to bring sufficient money for spending. For those who frequently travel, they can simply activate their credit card for global access. However, if you are just like me, travel oversea occasionally, then you may find some useful information from the following sharing.

04 November 2013

Dell Webcam Central Problem - Windows 7, Inspiron N5110 (Solved)



The model of my laptop is Inspiron N5110 with Windows 7 - 64bit. Initially, the "Settings" feature of my Dell Webcam Central was missing. Then, I decided to uninstall-re-install Dell Webcam Central. However, after that, I was unable to either remove or re-install my Dell Webcam Central. What a surprise!

What I did

The next thing I decided to do was to "force" delete the entire Dell Webcam Central from my Laptop by using an Uninstaller program. Despite the fact that I had successfully uninstalled (and removed) entire Dell Webcam Central from my Windows 7, I was unable re-install the software!

01 November 2013

Another Unexpected Profits from Stock Market Investment: SCICOM

Stock market contains abundant unexpected events or things. In order to survive in stock market investment, we need to expect the unexpected. In fact, if things are happen as expected by you or somebody else, then you are probably just getting started in this ever-ending journey.


Unexpected Market should be expected

Logically, stock market must be unexpected. This is because stock market is just a media that gathers the action of people. Life is unexpected, so the people. People may need money due to unexpected events, and therefore need to sell out their shares to other. People may need money for better investment that no one else knows yet. People may simply want to realise their profits. In other words, unless you are very lucky, the chances you are right for guessing the moving of market price is 33% - up, down or unchanged, in average.

24 October 2013

Three Innovative Tips for Using Your Credit Card

"Guest contributor Michael shares 3 tips to optimise the value of our credit card in this post."

Credit cards are handy things to have and there are a lot of benefits to owning one – it helps you build credit, fund your start up, or for just simply buy airline tickets for a quick jaunt to a beach in Malaysia. Other more popular benefits to owning a credit card is that it lets you accumulate points that could go towards air travel miles while other credit cards offer very enticing rewards such as free coffee at your favourite coffee shop or a trip to the spa. We’ll delve into some of the lesser known benefits of having a credit card.

18 October 2013

USB Air Moist Humidifier Purifier Freshener: 5 Considerations for Buyers

USB Air Moist Humidifier (also known as Purifier or Freshener) is a useful device to humidify your room and purify air simultaneously. Since they are typical small, it is quite easy to locate them properly. Hereby, I would like to list out the five things that you need to consider for USB Air Moist Humidifier purchase.

1. Volume of water tank

It is better to have a big water tank so that you do not need to 'refuel' it frequently.

11 October 2013

The 5 basic money knowledge that you should know

The five basic money knowledge that I found necessary to revise them based on my experiences are stated as follows, that are, Risk and Return, Opportunity Cost, Compounding, Time value of money, and Car loan. 

1. Risk and Return

It is well-known that the level of return is always equivalent to the level of risk taken. Nonetheless, nothing is certain in this world, so that this rule of thumb. For example, the risk may appear much higher than its actual risk due to irrational behaviour of human beings. When this situation happens, you can actually get very attractive award by taking a little risks.

04 October 2013

Free / Waive Annual Fee: Savings Account in Malaysia

No Fee Charged for Basic Saving Accounts in Malaysia. Yes, it is still 100% valid until today. Nonetheless, I still find out lots of my friends keep pay for unnecessary charge or fee annually. When I asked them why they did not apply the Basic Saving Account, misleading reasons came out, such as, it is ATM card service fee, it is passbook service fee, it is bla bla bla... In short, you never get a chance to be advised to open a basic saving account from certain selfish or ignorant bank's agents.

First, please ask yourself, how many times you use ATM service per month? If it is just twice or thrice per month, a Basic Saving Account sure is your best option. I have used Maybank Basic Saving Account for years to do my banking activities (mostly online transaction) Free-of-Charge.

27 September 2013

Are You Interested in 6~15% Return Annually from Stock Market Investment: Insight

Most of my friends know that I have involved in stock market investment for years. The very first question they tend to ask me is about the amount of return. Without revealing my actual capital for investment, I normally reply them with a relative value, that is, around 10% annually. After knowing that investment in stock market is only about 10% return annually, most of them appear to be disappointed or to have no more interest to know more about my investment in stock market.

Well, I am quite used to this kind of experiences. In fact, most people rather to spend their time to learn or hear more about "how to be rich in days" instead of "how to maintain 10% annual compound return ".

20 September 2013

Should We Serve Our Companies during Notice Period: Benefits to Serve Notice

Of course, we should serve our notice period as stated in the contract that agreed by both parties (you and your company). On one hand, it is our responsible to fulfill our agreement or contract. On the other hand, breaching the contract is not a good record and costs us losing our money and precious time.

For example, if you are not going to serve for a two-month notice period, then you need to compensate two months salaries. In other words, you are going to get nothing for working during the next two months. Unless your new job offers an attractive salary that is at least double from your current salary. However, we should bear in mind that there is no free lunch in this world. The amount of salary is always equavalent to the amount of workload and responsible in workplace.

13 September 2013

PayPal in eBay: Transaction STILL cannot be completed - Solution

Previously I have shared about some tips that suggested by PayPal representative to overcome the error of "Transaction cannot be completed". The suggested solution appears promising. However, it still does not work for me recently.


What I have tried

After trying all "the rules of thumb" to use PayPal correctly, I still cannot complete my simple payment. "The rules of thumb" that I tried were:
1. Clear cache and cookies. Then, try to complete the payment once more.
2. Using different browser, InPrivate browser, and mobile browser.
2. Try it again within the next 24 to 48 hours
3. Make the payment from other secured network.
4. Request sellers to provide an invoice via their PayPal account to complete the payment.

07 September 2013

Storytelling in Investment - The Three Steps to Tell a Good Story and to Earn Fast Money

Just like any marketing in this world - if you can tell a good story that convince most of people, then you supposedly can earn attractive reward in a very short time of period.
When you understand the idea of storytelling, then you should not be surprised to see many people use their hard earn money to 'invest' an expensive good feeling or dream.
In this post, I summarise how a "storyteller" plan and win the game of speculation. The purpose is to increase the awareness so that most of us can get rid of this kind of speculators and protect our hard earn money.

06 September 2013

Value Investing in Stock Market - Friends: Time, Market, Bear, Bull

Value investing in stock market has been perceived as a very confusing strategy for many people. The reason could be mainly due to the fact that the level of value investing is highly dependent on each individual unique investment philosophy. In general, a successful value investor never tries to degrade other investment strategies (except rumours, gambling or trap). In the same time, successful value investors love to sharing their insight and philosophy with other. In this post, I am going to share with you about what I learn from value investing in stock market.


Bear is your Friend

As you know, the main concern of value investors is what kind of business has been bought. In bear market, most people irrationally cheap sell their good business. In other words, it is the best time to cheap buy business for long term benefit.

30 August 2013

5 Things you Should Know about your Credit Card By Brendon Lee

Reading your credit card terms and conditions (T&C) is about as enjoyable as watching paint dry. But a T&C document contains vital information that you must know before using your credit card. To avoid getting surprised with extra fees and requirements, it’s best to take the time to give your T&C a thorough scan before committing your John Hancock. To help ease the process, here is a list of things you should be looking out for in your credit card T&C.

Interest rates

Some credit cards operate on a tier system and only offer the lowest interest rates to cardholders who have been consistently prompt with their payments for an extended period of time. New cardholders usually start off with interest rate as high as 17%, and then the interest rate is gradually reduced to 9 or 8% IF they maintain good payment records for the next 12 months. Nonetheless, some cards start off with a low interest rate for a set period, and then the interest rate will be reverted to the highest default if the payment record is not good. Regardless of these mechanics, you should always settle your bills on time if you wish to benefit from low interest rates.

23 August 2013

Why I sold Malaysian China based listed Companies in Bursa Malaysia: XDL, MSPORT, and MAXWELL

Firstly, I must clarify that the China based listed companies that I sold were: XDL, MSPORT, and MAXWELL that are still listed in Bursa Malaysia. I shared some of my insight about these companies few years ago. They are still fundamentally attractive, I must admit it. However, some questions that appear in my mind cannot be answered satisfactorily. Thus, I decided to clear them out from my portfolio with margin loses.
The very first question is: If you got many extra cash, do you put all your cash in bank account or fixed deposit account for years? 

17 August 2013

An Alternative Way to Pay Credit Card - Interbank Transfer

Generally, we may have one or two credit cards that issued by a bank without having its saving or current account. Consequently, most of us are going to do a similar "exercise" monthly - queuing in front of an ATM to pay our credit card bill. Since the number of credit card users is getting more, the time taken to complete this monthly routine task using similar method is also getting longer. An alternative method is needed to save our precious time.

Luckily, Bank Negara has asked our bankers to provide cheaper interbank service. In other words, we can complete our monthly obligation (clear credit card payment on time) via our current online banking system, with as low as RM0.10 only.

16 August 2013

Maybank TreatsPoints - Double Inflation?

This is a very short sharing about Maybank TreatsPoints system. Maybank TreatsPoints is the points that Maybank card owners earn upon each dollar spent. These points can be used to exchange gifts or rewards from Maybank website of www.maybankard.net.my.

I have exchanged quite a number awards (mainly shopping vouchers and for service tax payment) using my "hard-earned" points. Even though other banks do provide more attractive reward system, I  use Maybank credit card simply because the nearest bank in my living place is Maybank.

09 August 2013

5 Risks of the investment in FiA for Solar PV Installations (Malaysia)

Logically, investment contains risk. An investment that claimed zero risk is either a scam or a illusion. While getting more and more people are interested in the investment of FiA for Solar PV Installations, it is necessary to highligh some risks for this "almost perfect" investment.
The aims of this post is not going to discourage you to invest in FiA for Solar PV Installations; rather to provide some potential risks for consideration so that all (potential) investors can be well-prepared for the foreseen circumstances.

30 July 2013

PayPal in eBay: Transaction cannot be completed.

Recently, I found difficulty to make a payment in eBay via my Paypal account. Sometimes it works; sometimes it does not work.

As a buyer, a quick payment is one of ways to maintain reputation in eBay. However, the technical failure of payment system may make a quick payment impossible.

25 July 2013

Investment in Higher Education for Better Future?

Face it. Nothing in this world is certain except taxes and death. No single rule of thumb is applicable for everyone. Yet, I believe there will be a suitable and unique rule of thumb that is only applicable to each individual. So, invest or not your limited resources to pursue higher education is extremely dependent on your 'uniqueness'.

I believe all people are suitable to learn and harvest knowledge and wisdom from formal education.
Some of them prefer to learn through practising or experiencing. Some of them prefer to learn through self-learning. Some of them prefer to learn through interaction with others. So, which one is the best. Well, I think the most important concern is to identify which method helps you to learn more. If you find one, please don't be hesitated to stick with that method through out your life.

20 July 2013

Portfolio Review July 2013: Margin of Safety - Bull Ends soon?

Since my last portfolio review in May 2013, there was a busy trading season. After realizing some of my speculated counters, such as MISC, COMCORP, FACBIND, and LBS, I invested more of my capital in safer counters. Please note that speculated counters were still appreciated. Did I make a bad decision again? Hmmm... I think no. This is because I am incapable of predicting the future. As long as my decision is based on my valuation and strategy (instead of EQ), then the only thing I can do is keep sharpening my valuation skills and investment strategy.

11 July 2013

Windows Live Mail: Backup and Restore Emails in sub-folder files - a simple way

Sometimes we may create folders or sub-folders in our Windows Live Mail to store our important emails as records or references. Personally I have used more than 10 self-created folders to classify my important or interested received emails. Thus, it is very important for me to figure out a better way to backup these stored emails. 
In order to backup these emails in an extra hard disk, all we need is to simply find these folders and duplicate (Copy and Paste) them in another place.



1. Firstly, you need to selection the option to view invisible folders.
Open 'my computer' -> Tools (type Alt if you did see it) -> Click 'folder options...' -> View -> select "Show hidden files, folders, and drivers".

10 June 2013

Furniture Business: Liihen (7089), Hevea (5095), Latitube (7006) mini review

LII HEN INDUSTRIES BHD, Liihen (7089), is a malaysian furniture manufacturer, 100% operates wholly in Malaysia, but 82% market is from America, followed by Asia (9%) and Malaysia (7.5%), in 2011. In other words, the main income of Liihen is from exporting furniture to America in 2011.

In terms of PE and dividend valuation, Liihen is not bad investment even with its market price > RM1.50. HOWEVER, latest annual report reveals one biggest challenging for furniture business in Malaysia, that is, minimum wage.

05 June 2013

Should We Spend One Hour or More to Get Discount?

Yes or No. Mathematically speaking, it is mainly dependent on your income or the ability to earn money. In this post, I am going to use a very simple mathematic to explain my argument.
To answer such question, we need to know our monthly income. It is very straightforward for those have stable monthly salary or income. Otherwise, you may consider using the average income for the following computation.

30 May 2013

Stop Screening the Market Price of Stock Market

In this post, I want to share with you about the reasons why we should Stop screening the market price of stock market daily. After a couple of weeks doing such "superman's tasks", I was totally overwhelmed. I realise no matter what decision I made, it will be wrong in a short period of time. No matter my decision was sell, hold or buy, I am going to be disappointed if I keep screening the market price movement.
No one can sell at the highest, nor buy at the lowest prices. Although most of us know about this philosophy, few of us can truly understand and practise it in our daily basis. This post records "the true" that wakes me up from doing useless activities of screening market price daily. It reminds me to focus on the most controllable tasks in the future.

25 May 2013

Three Fears in Stock Market that Investors should avoid: Market price movement

Fear is a nature emotion of human being. We feel fear when something is unknown. In other words, unknown or uncertainty causes us feel fear. In stock market investment, there are three fears that we always experience, that are, we fear market price rises after we sold; we fear market price drops when we bought; and we fear market price stucks after we bought or sold. In short, we fear MARKET PRICE movement! 

FEAR: Market Price Up

"Oh My God! Why I Cheap Sold such a Big Fish (or Winner)!" Sounds familar? Don't worry, you are not alone. I pretty sure nobody can ALWAYS sell with the highest price. Because nobody knows who is the last buyer and what is the highest price that the last buyer want to pay.

16 May 2013

Portfolio Review May 2013: Bull Versus Bear Market

After reviewing what I can learn from my pass experiences during the general election of Malaysia, the momentum of bull trend appears UNSTOPPABLE. Nonetheless, we should always bear in mind that a decision that made by EQ (emotion) has a very high possibility to lead us to the hell. Despite the fact that I failed to speculate (or time) the market trend, and most of my interested counters have been appreciated, it does not mean I should simply wait until the very next potential "tuning point".

As you can see, I still hold around 50% shares in my portfolio after realised some profits from SYMPHY(5622), COMCORP, and LBS. I also purchased some my interested companies with slightly high price, that are, MISC, Tongher, TienWah, and MBSB. Since their prices were not so attractive for me, I only made some purchases and wait for better offers, if any.

8 Reasons to Invest Gold - the World’s Most Stable Investment

In the past, the trend was to buy US dollars during financial crisis or uncertainty. However, it is clear to see that this currency holds little value for many investors.  Since this currency may not be on top forever, many investors are turning to alternative means of investing to safeguard their nest eggs.

Gold is one of the most attractive investments at a time where both currency markets and real estate are volatile. Many banks are making the transition from capital investment to gold seamless and easy. It makes sense for many investors, especially those with global bank accounts with different currencies. 
There are 8 good reasons show that international investors are using gold in ways to avoid long-term financial troubles as follows:

15 May 2013


I must admit that I was frustrated when I saw some strange debit transactions after using Paypal and Ebay on 18 April 2013 as follows :

SALE EBAY.COM.MY\\SAN JOSE\number DATED 18/04/13 RM3.00PREAUTH SALE PAYPAL\\number\ DATED 18/04/13 US$1.00 RM1.02
Even though I cannot find any official information these kinds of transaction from Paypal and Ebay website, some people highlighted that these were for verification only and will be refunded after few weeks. Since the amount is now significant, I decided to wait and see.

10 May 2013

The Opportunity of Bursa Malaysia Stock Market: A review after the General Election

One week after the general election of Malaysia, the price of Stock Market did not drop as expected. Surprisingly, most of my watch list counters appreciated from at least 10% to more than 100%. Did I miss the opportunity again. I think so. Nonetheless, I think the most important thing (besides earn money from stock market) is to learn from experience, and enhance the investment strategy in the future. This post records what the right thing I have done, and which area should I revise and improve.

The Right Thing I have Done - Sell the losers, keep the winners

02 May 2013

China listed Companies in Bursa Malaysia: HB Global (5187) - Cash is not KING

Logic, logic and logic. Logical thinking is very useful to avoid most of the traps. Logically speaking, none of investment is 100% risk-free with attractive guarantee return. In this post, I am going to record the lesson I have learnt from China listed companies in Bursa Malaysia based on my observation and experience since last two years.

Assumption - Cash is KING

All investors have their own assumptions. All the investment will provide positive returns if these assumptions are fulfilled. One of these assumptions is "Cash is KING". This is understandable because if even amount of Cash that stated in an annual report is doubtful, I think nobody has a reason to invest hard-earned money in that kind of companies.

30 April 2013

Link Maybank Debit Card to Paypal for eBay purchase from Malaysia

Finally, I have successfully made my first purchase from eBay. Undeniable, there are plenty goods available in eBay that are quite difficult to be find in local. The main problem I faced was to make a payment to sellers.
The most widely accepted payment method in eBay may be Paypal. Interestingly, some sellers only allow Paypal verified members to be their customers for security issues. Thus, Paypal appears to be indispensable for us to make a deal in eBay.
For international purchases, US dollar may be the most convenient currency. Due to the fact that I cannot convert my RM (Malaysia dollar) to US dollar in my Paypal account, the use of credit card appears to be my last resort. For consumers who do not have a credit card, debit card is now accepted by Paypal to make payment. Nonetheless, please make sure you have enough balance in my saving account when you use your debit card.
The following three steps summarise the ways I used to buy my interested goods from eBay.

22 April 2013

LBS BINA GROUP BERHAD (5789) – Multiple Proposals – Revision

After sharing my mini homework regarding the multiple proposals of LBS Bina Group Berhad (5789), the market price of LBS (5789) dropped another 10% from RM1.00 to RM0.90. In other words, another 10% discount in terms of investing cost. Therefore, I decide to revise the valuation on LBS (5789) in this post.

Revenue upon the disposal

Since the total disposal revenue will be around RM653million, and the total share number of LBS is around 386million, then the revenue per share will be RM1.69. In other words, Zhuhai holdings (the buyer) plans to spend around RM1.69 per share to acquire the two assets (that are, Land Plots and Lakewood Golf Club) of LBS (5789).

20 April 2013

Stock Investment: Panic Sell Vs Panic Buy

Quite often, we 'label' our decision as 'panic sell' if the market price of the business we sold is higher than the price we sold; and 'panic buy' if the market price of the business we bought is lower than the price we paid. In short, we simply blame our emotion that caused us making such a silly decision, don't you?

Nobody knows

However, if we think about this matter again, very quickly, we discover that nobody can always buy with the lowest price and nobody can always sell with the highest price. It is true simply because nobody knows who is the last person who sells with the lowest price or buys with the highest price.

13 April 2013

The 5 Money Personalities - Speaking the Same Love and Money Language: Review



Scott Palmer and Bethany Palmer present the five money personalities, that are, saver, spender, risk taker, security seeker, and flyer, in this book. Instead of explaining the ways to earn, invest or manage our money, authors highlight the importance of UNDERSTANDING the ways people use their money. This book provides ways that help us to identify our and other people money personalities in such ways that the conflict that due to misunderstanding can be avoided. Consequently, it improves our relationship.

11 April 2013

LBS BINA GROUP BERHAD (5789) – Multiple Proposals – a mini homework

Referring to LBS BINA GROUP BERHAD (5789) latest announcement, hereby I share my humble homework and insight regarding the disposals matter.

Amount of Sales/Disposals

First, total sale consideration is HKD 1,650 million, or around RM657.69million with exchange rate of 1 HKD: 0.3986 RM. Thus, the total sales value of the two assets (that are, Land Plots and Lakewood) is around RM1088million.
Since the wholly-owned subsidiary of LBS (LBS <-100% Intellplace holdings limited <-100% Dragon Hill corporation limited) Dragon Hill’s wholly-owned subsidiary (i.e. Lamdeal Development and Lamdeal Golf ) has 60% of the aforementioned disposal, the estimated revenue for LBS is around RM653million (i.e. RM1088million times 60%).

09 April 2013

HeveaBoard Berhad (Hevea, 5095) : Buy, Hold or Sell?

After holding Hevea more than one year and sharing three parts my homework with my visitors last year (that entitled Introduction and Background StudyThe Potential of China Market and its Operation Segments, and 2011 Performance Review) in my humble personal blog, my patience gets paid, finally. Maybe it is due to the so-called Cold Eyes' effect since Cold Eyes senior mentioned Hevea on last Friday. No matter what the reason is, the most important question I need to answer now is what is the target price that should I sell my Hevea shares in open market.
It is really a crucial question that bother me, especially, when my invested company is appreciated. So far, I am still cannot figure out the best way to optimise all the profit. Nonetheless, after I figure the difference between Positive and Negative Value Investing Strategy and the Seven Habits of Highly Unsuccessful Investors in Stock Market, I have a very simple idea, that are, (1) bear in mind which value investing strategy that I applied now, and (2) if I can avoid those 7 bad habits, then I should achieve the so-called optimal profit.

07 April 2013

How to Complete Malaysia Income Tax Registration via Internet: Request Tax Reference and PIN e-filling No.

Finally, I have my done my Income Tax filling through internet in my room. It is really very convenient to avoid traffic and long queue. Thus, hereby, I would like to record and share my experience that may help you to fill you income tax in your house.

1. Request Tax reference No.

Firstly, for first times user, go to e-Daftar (url: http://edaftar.hasil.gov.my/) to get your Tax reference number of tax. It takes around 3 days. Please make sure the email address is permanent because it will be used to request Pin No as well.

05 April 2013

Positive Vs Negative investors

In this post, you will see that positive investors tend to be positive no matter the condition is, compared to negative investors. Note: We must always make decision based on a sufficient homeworks, instead of some rule of thumb. In story below is based on the assumption that the company involved is a good company.
After buying some shares of a good company with undervalued price:

When the price does not move for months.

Positive investors: It is a very good investment. The price is very STABLE.
Negative investors: What the hell! Sleeping company...*&#^$#^$

30 March 2013

Reasons Why You are still Single: Myths and Solutions

I think this topic describes quite appropriate to most of people in my cycle. Most of them are smart, no bad looking, friendly, good career etc. However, most of them are still single. WHY? Why these kind of people who accumulate the so-called good "criteria" are still single? Yet, other people who might not have these "demanded" criteria are already engaged, married or even having few children.
I had tried to figure out ways to identify the potential solution so that my friends will eventually find their Mr./Miss Right. Last night, an crystal clear idea appeared on my mind while I was falling in sleep. Immediately, I used all my energy to wake my body up and picked up a pen to jot down this idea to explain this "popular phenomena" in my life. There are three main reasons why you are still Single.

29 March 2013

Brilliant Questions Vs Silly Answers: Fail or Succeed

This is a story that edited from a true story in a planet.

Boss: Why this method does not succeed?
People: Because this method fails.

Boss: Why this method succeeds?
People: Because this method does not fail.

Boss: Why this method fails?
People: Because this method does not succeed.

Boss: Why this method does not fail?
People: Because this method succeeds.

Boss: What the...

Written by:
Xaivier Chia

(P/S: The above sharing is solely based on personal insight. Please do not take it seriously. However, your valuable feedback are very welcome. You are welcome to subscribe our feed, look at our sitemap or simply visit our Homepage for latest sharing.)

25 March 2013

Spot and Remove Spam Reply to Increase the Quality of your Websites

Personally, I always manually delete spam replies because they simply degrade the quality of reader's experience on my Blog. In this post, I share my experience to deal with spam reply and list some examples in the footnote of this post.

Spot a Spam Reply

Spam reply is a reply that can be used repetitively in different website so that the "spam action" can be accelerated. A reply will be considered as Spam must fulfill at least two criteria: First, it is quite general; and Second, it contains advertising purpose (re-direct link).  The core idea of spam reply is to put a link in your website so that the number of "external link" of the spammer's website can be increased.

20 March 2013

Seven Habits of Highly Unsuccessful Investors in Stock Market

After few years of stock market investment, I have experienced a constantly failure if I applied one of these BAD habits when I made a decision. This post summarises these 7 habits that cost me make bad decision previously.

Habit 1: Predicting future trend

Look, volume comes, more buyers than sellers: it is a good entry point.
Insight: Volumes can be manipulated, so the number of buyers and sellers. Three of them actually have no point for a long term investors.

17 March 2013

A mini review of the stocks that stated by Cold Eyes: Do your homework

I did not go the talk last Saturday because the place is too far from my living place. Luckily, Nanyang newspaper published some information regarding the talk. After making a mini review, I found out that some of them are incorrect. Although I am not sure whether it is reporter's or writer's mistakes (or others), by doing some homework, we do can avoid misleading crisis.
In this post, I am going to state some stocks that appears to be incorrectly stated in the newspaper or some important information one may miss them.

1. L&G, 3174

L&G earned 2.4sen during last quarter ended 31/12/2012. However, most of the profit is due to one-off earning as stated in its quarter report:

15 March 2013

Six Reasons to have Printed / Hardcopy Books instead of e-book

It is undeniable that the invention of electronic archive saves lots of our space to store those apparent important yet unnecessary files and documents. E-archive is much accessible due to its powerful index system that let us easily to find a wanted document faster and easier. Consequently, lots of information is accessible from Internet via Google Search Engine.
Since I am going to receive my 1Malaysia Book voucher in the coming few weeks, I think it is the time for me to figure a good reason for me to own a printed book. Firstly, I will identify those e-friendly book that will be excluded from my must-buy list. Then, I will finalise few criteria to help me make a better decision for the coming book shopping.

10 March 2013

Positive and Negative Value Investing Strategy: Optimistic Vs Pessimistic

Personally, I believe that value investing strategy can be categorised as Positive value investing and Negative value investing. Both of them are the complement of each one. Thus, to optimise the potential profit and diminish the risk of each investment, we need to use them flexibly.

Positive (or Optimistic) Value Investing

People who implement positive value investing is optimistic about the future of a particular business. They project the future value with some assumptions. If the assumptions are fulfilled, we are going to maximise the profits.

08 March 2013


In previous post, I highlighted the attractive area of INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED BERHAD (FACBIND, 2984). However, the latest annoucement slightly disappointed me. Although it appeared that the disposal will be completed soon (after approval from EGM), FACBIND only planned to
invest almost all the "Profits" into NEW BUSINESS*. In other words, no special dividend will be announced. This causes another uncertainty for me.

In a comparison with P&O's divestment that at least planned to allocates some portion for its shareholders, the uncertainty of FACBIND is higher than P&O, obviously.

05 March 2013

The Endless Cycle of Birth, Rebirt and Redeath of Buddhist: Insight

Samsara (also known as cycle of existence or wheel of suffering) is the endless cycle of birth, rebirth and redeath, according to Buddhist. As an ordinary human being, I cannot justify it via scientific experiment or observation. However, I do find an interest similar phenomenon in our daily life. In this post, I draft and share my idea as a record for future thinking.
Instead of the so-called six realms of existence and a relatively long period in each realm of existence, I believe that the six realms of existence occur in our life, daily.

God Realm (Blissful State)

28 February 2013

The Evolution: From Ngan Yin (Cap Tange) to Like Button?


25 February 2013

Remove Ubuntu from Dual Boot Windows 7 without re-install the OS

Finally, I succeeded to remove Ubunte without re-install my Windows 7. The main reason I removed Ubuntu is lots things are needed to be settled up for me to make Ubuntu smooths my daily routine. Since I already spend more than one year to settle a personal system in my Windows 7 and I am quite satisfied its performance, I will only re-test Ubuntu when the time is allow in the future.
This post records some important steps for me to remove Ubuntu from dual boot Windows 7 64-bit.

20 February 2013

Two Business Strategy to Trade Stock for Better Pricing

In this world, we 'trade' almost everything daily. We can 'trade' our assets (such as time, properties, skills) for money; so that we can use the money to 'exchange' (or 'trade' our money for) what we want. In order to 'trade' our time for 'better price', for instance, we need to tell and show our prospective customer (such as, employer) about why we worth this price and what we can do for the company. Thus, it is considered as a strategy to add-value to our assets.

The similar thing happens in stock trading. There are two business strategy can be used to 'add-value' to our shares so that we will got profit from a trading:

15 February 2013

Windows 7: A Contingency Plan to Manage Computer

In this information explosion world, the use of cloud storage looks like a good option to store and backup our abundant important files in real time. Indeed, after two of my hard disks collapsed in the same time previously, I am very serious to find an alternative solution to organise and secure my important files. However, I have many bad experiences from irresponsible providers who terminated their services suddenly or unconditionally. Thus, I decide to use the old fashion way to backup my files, that is, by using extra external hard disk.
Since no one can guarantee that Windows operation system (OS) will never collapse. So, it will be a good idea to prepare for such situation when I still can do it in a normal OS condition. In the following content, I share my contingency plan to reduce the impact from unfortunate events, that is, internal hard disk or windows OS crash.  

10 February 2013

Average Cost Investing: A Bad Long Term Investmetn Strategy

Average Cost Investing is one of silly investment strategies I heard before. This investment strategy may sound promising at the first glance. However, please consider the following facts before apply it.

Business is changing

Yes, business is changing. There are too many factors affects a business,  such as technology, politic decision, key person,  nature disaster, supply and demand and so on. Simply applying average cost investing will only increase our risk if the interested business is going to be 'disquilified' by the market or its competitors.

08 February 2013

Insight: DanaInfra Retail Sukuk / First Exchange Traded Bonds and Sukuk (ETBS) for retail investors

Should I invest DIN040000223, the first Exchange Traded Bonds and Sukuk (ETBS) or DanaInfra Retail Sukuk for retail investors? With 4% fixed return, it does look more attractive than fixed deposit of around 3.15% annually.
Back to basic. In order to evaluate its net return, we should consider all possible costs. Let assume the trading cost of this Bond / Sukuk in Bursa Malaysia is the same as any other share trading. Then, the cost of one-off transaction is
>> 0.73%, that is, brokerage of 0.6%, plus clearing fee of 0.03%, plus Stamp duty of 0.1% for dealer; or
>> 0.55%, that is, brokerage of 0.42%, plus clearing fee of 0.03%, plus Stamp duty of 0.1% for dealer;

05 February 2013

S.P.O.T. on Properties Investment

According to Malaysian Investor website, we can use the so-called S.P.O.T. test to detect potential investment scam. Now, let's use this tool to analysis recent properties investment condition.

Sounds too good to be true

"See, YYY bought the house last two years, now the house is already 100% appreciated. Think about that, if you buy ... now, then you ... in next two years"
"This place will be the next super star with lots of foreign investing in the future."

30 January 2013

Value Investor is not a Long Term Investor: Short note

Personally, I practise value investing instead of long term investing.

Value investing strategy that I practise is to buy undervalued assets, and hold it until it has been over-valued by the market. It can be considered an aggressive or active strategy, instead of passive strategy. It is aggressive because value investors use lots of efforts and time to evaluate and discover potential undervalued assets, then monitor them and take appropriate action from time to time, quarter to quarter, even year to year. In other words, it is unnecessary to "label" an expire date or profit ceiling for any acquisition. As long as it is still undervalued, then there is no point to "cheap sell" it, and vice versa. Thus, the core philosophy of value investing is to evaluate the so-called "value" and then, make rationale decision upon it.

27 January 2013

The Book of Man by William Bennett: Review

The Book of Man: Readings on the Path to Manhood
By William Bennett


This book compiles abundant inspiring stories of MEN in various aspects, i.e. men at War, Work, Leisure, Police, Family, and Belief. A belief summary have been provided in Video form as follows:

24 January 2013

Free PTPTN and Education: Insights

Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN) is some sort of education loan for students to further their higher education in Malaysia. In previous post, I shared my points of view about the negative consequences from free PTPTN. In this post, I would like to solidify the statement and the conclusion in a clearer fashion.


Condition 1: You achieve the first class honour in your undergraduate program.
Consequence 1: You are supposedly more productivity, creative and innovative. You are deserved to have "Free PTPTN" as an appreciation for your hard work.
Fact 1: You are eligible to exempt your PTPTN loan. Tax players are mostly willing to reward you because you are expected to contribute more to the development of the country.

21 January 2013

Only Well Prepared and Brave People Catch Opportunity: Investing Insight

Well, suddenly, FBMKLCI dropped around 40 points yesterday. What happens? I did not find any news until my remisier SMS and inform me that the reason to cause this 'adjustment' was a rumour of "parliament will be dissolved soon". Come on. We all supposedly know that the parliament will be dissolved within 3 months. So, why this rumour is still so 'powerful' to 'shake' FBMKLCI down?

20 January 2013

Tangible and Intangible Value in Investment

It is well known that we can categorise assets into tangible and intangible assets. Tangible assets are physical objects that have value. When an object has a value, it can be exchanged for money or other assets directly. For example, the inventories, the land, the properties, the building and the machine of a company are the tangible assets. On the other hand, valuable but invisible objects such as brand, skills, privilege and network are considered as intangible assets.

As a value investor, I have a great interest to 'seek'  a better way to evaluate the ultimate value of a company or business. Previously, I only consider tangible value of a company. Although it helps me to avoid lots of trap and to achieve satisfactory investment return in last few years, I think it is the time for me to move up to the next level.

15 January 2013

Simply Making Money Plan: Here got Silver 300 taels

"Here no silver three hundred taels" in Chinese is "此地无银三百两". It comes from a story about a person who wrote a sign board of "Here no silver 300 taels" to indicate that his backyard does not have the aforementioned silver after he has buried those silver in that area. Its meaning can be "Never try to prove what nobody doubts"  or "A guilty person gives himself away by consciously protesting his innocence". This can be either a funny story or a philosophy that we should concern about. If "no silver" is used to mask the silver so that nobody knows it, then "got silver" may be used to unmask "the silver" so that everybody knows it. In this post, I would like to share some idea about "Here got silver 300 taels".

14 January 2013

Everyone has an Interest in Properties: Bubble Creation - Insight

Recently, I have observed an interesting phenomenal: everyone has an interest in properties, either properties development or properties investment. The rich tends to be properties developers; while slightly rich guy tends to be properties investors (of course, there are lots of 'heroes'. But I am not going to include them in this sharing).

Supply-demand theory

One interesting thing from this interesting observation that I can figure out is it is total 'safe' according to the supply-demand theory. Yes, it is 'total safe', if and only if, the momentum is continued, ever-lasting. On one hand, there are lots of supplies (obviously, from either newbie or experienced properties developers). On the other hand, there are lots of 'demand' (from investors). Thus, one way to continue this momentum is to 'nurture' more 'new investors' to consume these 'abundant supplies'.

10 January 2013

Why I don't like to invest in Properties: Investment philosophy

Properties investment, cannot be denied, is capable of creating huge wealth. Needless to say, there are lots of successful stories around us. Yet, there are lots of unrevealed failure stories. Personally, I do not like to invest in properties because it does not suit my investment philosophy. My investment philosophy is quite simple: Only invest in a business that is capable of creating value that benefits to its owner (such as shareholders), to its users (such as consumers and customers), to the social (such as job opportunity and career development).

I must highlight that I am not interested in a "simply earning money" business. If a business simply will generate attractive profit without any contribution to its users and social, I double its sustainability in the future.

05 January 2013

An Idea Housing Design: Sustainable and Eco-friendly

I believe a good housing design must fulfil the two fundamental criteria: Sustainable and Eco-friendly. Instead of focusing on those the so-called IN or fashion design, I expect my dream house to be sustainable and eco-friendly.

This article discusses what is sustainable and eco-friendly and how to be them, accordingly. However, please leave this page if you are truly enjoy to "renovate" or "re-design" your house frequently. This article only suitable to those who prefer to save their precious time and money via sustainable and eco-friendly housing design.