Most of the available financial education stuff are provided by the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad. Here are some of them I found from internet which are free of charge:
1. – Get FREE Access to Exclusive Rich Dad Products (Register required)
“Rich Dad World’s goal is to increase your financial IQ, and bring you a world of possibilities, a world of learning, a world of understanding. A take charge world, where you’ll be equipped to take command of your finances and live a Rich life."
28 December 2010
Free Access to Exclusive Rich Dad Financial Education Product from Robert Kiyosaki
Categorised as:
Self Improvement
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27 December 2010
Achieve Success via SMART Goal 2011
Categorised as:
Experince Sharing,
Self Improvement
In order to achieve success, we need to, first of all, set a SMART goal. A SMART goal is a goal which is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and has Time-bound. The first step to set a SMART goal is to know what you want. After setting a SMART goal, we must take action upon it with passion and persistent.
Personally, in order to achieve my ultimate goal, financial freedom, I split my ultimate goal into few SMART goals. The first SMART goal is shown as follows:
Personally, in order to achieve my ultimate goal, financial freedom, I split my ultimate goal into few SMART goals. The first SMART goal is shown as follows:
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22 December 2010
Preparing a Powerful Presentation – Using a Script
Categorised as:
Experince Sharing,
Self Improvement
Presentation skills are very important for us to sell ourselves during a meeting, interview or business. Good presentation will not only help us to build a good impression to our clients, and employers, but also help us to build our self-confidence. Here are seven tips for those, who are less experience in presentation, to preparing a powerful presentation by using the power of script.
1. Preparing a script - The purposes of script preparation are to ensure that the time of presentation is monitored properly, to make sure the flow of presentation is organized well, and to avoid redundancy (unnecessary repetition).
1. Preparing a script - The purposes of script preparation are to ensure that the time of presentation is monitored properly, to make sure the flow of presentation is organized well, and to avoid redundancy (unnecessary repetition).
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19 December 2010
Change Your State to Achieve the Success You Want
Categorised as:
Experince Sharing,
Self Improvement
According to Anthony Robbin, we need to change our state in order to achieve success. Our state can be changed by changing our focus. This is because what we focus on will subsequently cause what we feel. For example, if we just focus on earning as much money as possible, we might do anything to achieve it. But, if we just focus on thought of earning money is hard, painful, and impossible, then we will end up with what these thought in our life.
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15 December 2010
Quote of Wisdom
Categorised as:
He who knows others is learned, he who knows himself is wise.
– Lao-Tze
To know when to be generous and when firm that’s wisdom
– Elbert Hubbard
The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.
– William James
– Lao-Tze
To know when to be generous and when firm that’s wisdom
– Elbert Hubbard
The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.
– William James
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14 December 2010
Car Pooling Now: What is car pooling
Categorised as:
Car Pool is an activity people share their car for the sake of money saving and carbon foot print reducing. By participating car pooling, drivers, on one hand, can earn some extra money. Passengers, on the other hand, can save their time and some money too.
It is not very wisely for us to drive a car alone everyday if we can possible to fetch someone else who want to go to the same destination. By car pooling, the driver will not only get some profit, but also will recognize some new friends and vice versa.
It is not very wisely for us to drive a car alone everyday if we can possible to fetch someone else who want to go to the same destination. By car pooling, the driver will not only get some profit, but also will recognize some new friends and vice versa.
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12 December 2010
PPStream Login Problem - Using Different User ID
Categorised as:
Recently, I was facing a problem when I tried to login my PPS / PPStream account to enjoy certain movie. The problem was very strange. On the one hand, the system asked me to login my account. On the other hand, the system showed that my account was login already.
After few trial and error process, finally, I figure out that what I need to do is to sign in the account by using different user id. In other words, now I got two user IDs and I change my user ID alternatively when this kind of problem occurs. Guess what, I still able to enjoy PPS movie as usual.
After few trial and error process, finally, I figure out that what I need to do is to sign in the account by using different user id. In other words, now I got two user IDs and I change my user ID alternatively when this kind of problem occurs. Guess what, I still able to enjoy PPS movie as usual.
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10 December 2010
Desktop Computer does not respond with a long beep or buzzing noise
Categorised as:
This was a nightmare when my computer suddenly did not respond and just a long beep or buzzing noise come out from it after I switched on it. After investigation and tried and error, finally, I found that the problem was caused by one of my malfuction RAM.
As a rule of thumb for this kind of problem, I always try the procedure as follows:
1. Check the fan on CPU.
Due to the security issue, computer will never startup if the fan on CPU is not working.
2. Check the power supply.
This can be done by replacing with a new ones or the one which is workable in other computer
As a rule of thumb for this kind of problem, I always try the procedure as follows:
1. Check the fan on CPU.
Due to the security issue, computer will never startup if the fan on CPU is not working.
2. Check the power supply.
This can be done by replacing with a new ones or the one which is workable in other computer
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07 December 2010
UNICEF: Stop Child Abuse Now! - Be the voice of those who cannot speak up
Categorised as:
Did you know that an average of 7 children in Malaysia suffered abuse every day in 2008, and these were only the reported cases? Many more experience abuse in silence and behind closed doors. Like all children, they too have a right to a happy childhood, free of abuse. Abuse robs a child of their health, development and dignity. It can also leave invisible scars on children, their families and society that last lifetimes, if not generations. You can become a Campaigner for Children by hopping on our bus, and rallying others to join us on our journey to end child abuse in Malaysia.
Did you know that an average of 7 children in Malaysia suffered abuse every day in 2008, and these were only the reported cases? Many more experience abuse in silence and behind closed doors. Like all children, they too have a right to a happy childhood, free of abuse. Abuse robs a child of their health, development and dignity. It can also leave invisible scars on children, their families and society that last lifetimes, if not generations. You can become a Campaigner for Children by hopping on our bus, and rallying others to join us on our journey to end child abuse in Malaysia.
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06 December 2010
Lessons from "English for Career Search" Class - An Experience Sharing
Categorised as:
English learning,
Experince Sharing,
Do you like English?
If you ask me this question, the answer will definitely be yes.
I enjoy all of the English classes that I had gone through, especially “English for Career Search” class. I admitted that I select this class due to the reason that it does not require any test or exam. But, later on, I found that the contents that I’m going to learn from this class are exactly what I want and what I need in the near future. I appreciate everything l learnt from it.
If you ask me this question, the answer will definitely be yes.
I enjoy all of the English classes that I had gone through, especially “English for Career Search” class. I admitted that I select this class due to the reason that it does not require any test or exam. But, later on, I found that the contents that I’m going to learn from this class are exactly what I want and what I need in the near future. I appreciate everything l learnt from it.
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04 December 2010
TED: Mechai Viravaidya: How Mr. Condom made Thailand a better place
Categorised as:
How to think outside of the box? Can condom bring better future in a country? Again, this is another fascinating and inspiring talk in TED about How Mr. Condom made Thailand a better place by Mechai Viravaidya. From this talk, we are going to discover the power of condom to save the lives of people, the power of commitment from the people to change their future, and the power of education to made Thailand a better place in a short period of time.
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28 November 2010
Why Establishing Values is Important: 4 Essential Reasons
Categorised as:
Self Improvement
Values are psychological and intangible in nature. Our value system may be taught to us by our parents or people who matter to us. Our values may be the results of past experiences, education and knowledge or conceived from a religious conviction. Although values are not physical objects that we can easily see or touch, they can be manifested in many other ways. Our personal values are reflected in the way we behave, in our priorities, in how we go about our activities in daily life, in the decisions we make and in how we respond to and solve issues that come our way. Here are four reasons why establishing strong values is important
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27 November 2010
Writing and Submitting Articles Online: 3 Essential Tips
Categorised as:
Article marketing is a marketing strategy on the Internet. Article marketing is defined as a method of advertising by writing articles featuring a topic related in the industry they are competing in. Well-written articles are effective for building website traffic, bringing in potential clients and leads into the website, and improving the business’s credibility. Because of this marketing trend, article writing services are increased rapidly on the internet. As a result, there are countless freelance writers who write articles on a wide range of topics and submit them to an Article Directory recently. However, article writers, who want to be competitive and proficient in the field of article marketing, must learn a few tips on how to write and submit articles the right way. There are three tips to help you getting ready to write and submit articles to online directories
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26 November 2010
Storytelling - A Better Way to Selling Your Idea
Categorised as:
Experince Sharing,
Free Online Learning,
General Sharing,
Storytelling is a way of communication. The advantage of storytelling is it can be applied in almost any situation and circumstance, such as to be the introduction or the end of a public speaking. People love fantastic stories. However, telling a convincing and interesting story is not a easy task. One of the important method for telling a good story is having an attractive storyline.
Storyline is a framework from the beginning to the end of your story. It describes the sequence of the story in such a way that your listeners have a whole picture about what you want to tell them. It is similar to the way that how engineers and architects build a house, mall, or airport. All of them cannot be done without a proper procedure from foundation to the top of building.
Storyline is a framework from the beginning to the end of your story. It describes the sequence of the story in such a way that your listeners have a whole picture about what you want to tell them. It is similar to the way that how engineers and architects build a house, mall, or airport. All of them cannot be done without a proper procedure from foundation to the top of building.
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21 November 2010
KURNIA (5193): An insight about a Capital Repayment Company in Bursa Malaysia
Categorised as:
Bursa Malaysia,
Fun Jokes,
General Sharing,
Company Name: KURNIA SETIA BHD / KURNIA (5193)
Current Market Price: RM 2.680
Summary of current announcements:
Announcement at 16/11/2010 : ...shall receive a cash amount of RM2.70 in consideration for the cancellation of every one (1) KSB Share held on the Entitlement Date... warrantholders of KSB of RM1.20 in cash for every one (1) warrant in KSB held (“KSB Warrant”) ...
Current Market Price: RM 2.680
Summary of current announcements:
Announcement at 16/11/2010 : ...shall receive a cash amount of RM2.70 in consideration for the cancellation of every one (1) KSB Share held on the Entitlement Date... warrantholders of KSB of RM1.20 in cash for every one (1) warrant in KSB held (“KSB Warrant”) ...
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20 November 2010
GCORP (3166): A Record about Winding-up company in Bursa Malaysia
Categorised as:
Bursa Malaysia,
Fun Jokes,
General Sharing,
Current Market Price: RM1.61
Summary of current announcements:
Announcement at 07/09/2010 : Kindly refer to the company's First Announcement pursuant to Practice Note 17 (PN17) dated 6 September 2010.
Announcement at 05/10/2010 : Proposed Winding-Up. The Proposed Winding-Up will facilitate the distribution to the Company's shareholders [other than CRSB, the Relevant Family Members and PAC (both as defined in the Circular to shareholders dated 5 August 2010)] the sum of RM1.70 cash per GCB Share.
Current Market Price: RM1.61
Summary of current announcements:
Announcement at 07/09/2010 : Kindly refer to the company's First Announcement pursuant to Practice Note 17 (PN17) dated 6 September 2010.
Announcement at 05/10/2010 : Proposed Winding-Up. The Proposed Winding-Up will facilitate the distribution to the Company's shareholders [other than CRSB, the Relevant Family Members and PAC (both as defined in the Circular to shareholders dated 5 August 2010)] the sum of RM1.70 cash per GCB Share.
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19 November 2010
Check Blacklists and View Vehichle PDRM Summon Online: Malaysia
Categorised as:
Experince Sharing
I just discover that the road tax of my vehicle can only be renewed for six months (normally it would be 12 months). The reason is: Outstanding summon has not been cleared. The issue date of this summon is March 2009. Once upon a time... . But I must admit that nothing has been received about this summon... So, what should I do? The answer is: Just pay it for the sake of time saving...
In order to avoid this kind of "long long ago trouble" occur again, I registered an PDRM Summons Alert, This service is free and an email will send out if one has any new summons
In order to avoid this kind of "long long ago trouble" occur again, I registered an PDRM Summons Alert, This service is free and an email will send out if one has any new summons
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17 November 2010
Market Watch - Free Widgets for Webmaster
Categorised as:
Here are some widgets about global market. I think these are very useful for those want to have a quick view about the market. Besides, webmasters who have investment related websites will also find them useful since they will provide more updated investment information for their visitors. However, one should bear in mind that most free stuff are not in real time, all of them are not exceptional.
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10 November 2010
Make Your Google Page Rank More Interesting
Categorised as:
After doing some searching, I found lots of free Page Rank providers in internet. Most of them provide different type of Page Rank display and design to help webmasters to enrich their website design.
Therefore, I have decided to summarize them in this post and share with all my visitors.
and so on.
Language: PHP code and Javascript code:
Therefore, I have decided to summarize them in this post and share with all my visitors.
and so on.
Language: PHP code and Javascript code:
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06 November 2010
Basic Types of Real Estate Investments: Residential, Commercial, Retail, Industrial, Trusts, Mixed-use
Categorised as:
The process of a real estate investing involves purchasing, owning, renting, managing or selling of real estate properties. The motivations of real estate investing are leveraging, cash flow, and capital appreciation. However, one should always remember that the fundamental rule to succeed in real estate investing is buying a good property at good location with a low price. Good property denotes the quality of the property. Good location represents the future prospect of the property. And finally, low price will always ensure the investor has enough safe margin and avoid to be a victim from bubble property. Therefore, investors should do their homework seriously, investigate and compare the property with others, before making any decision in real estate investing. Besides, it is a good idea to understand the six basic types of real estate investments as shown in this post.
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05 November 2010
Project Management: 4 EffectiveTechniques and Approaches
Categorised as:
Projects are different from regular routines and operations of the organization because they are undertaken using resources specially allocated for it by the organization and have to be completed within a limited time frame. Therefore, effective project management or project management services are crucial to make sure that all activities in line with the special undertaking are properly implemented, coordinated, planned, organized, and monitored. Here are four approaches can be applied to manage a project properly and effectively.
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04 November 2010
How long would it take to read the entire English Wikipedia?
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29 October 2010
My Favourite Song: Bring me to life
Categorised as:
""Bring Me to Life" is a song by American rock band Evanescence. It was released on April 23, 2003 as the first single from their debut studio album, Fallen, and as the lead single for the film Daredevil. It was written by Amy Lee and Ben Moody. It features guest vocals from Paul McCoy of 12 Stones. It is the band's most successful single, and has peaked within the charts of more than 15 countries internationally, and won Best Hard Rock Performance at the 46th Grammy Awards.
Later in December 2009, Katherine Jenkins, who (born 29 June 1980) is a Welsh mezzo-soprano, a classical-popular crossover singer, performed "Bring Me To Life" at The Royal Variety Performance. " (Wikipedia)
Later in December 2009, Katherine Jenkins, who (born 29 June 1980) is a Welsh mezzo-soprano, a classical-popular crossover singer, performed "Bring Me To Life" at The Royal Variety Performance. " (Wikipedia)
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27 October 2010
Value Investing Conference 2008 by Whitney Tilson
Categorised as:
Value Investing Conference 2008
Speaker: Whitney Tilson
Duration: 2 hours
In this talk, Whitney Tilson had explained what is value investing and some myths of value investing such as
"Grown is not always good". After that, two main points of value investing are discussed, that are, how to calculate Intrinsic value and what is your margin of safety in value investing.
Value investors always buy good business in good industry with good management.
Speaker: Whitney Tilson
Duration: 2 hours
In this talk, Whitney Tilson had explained what is value investing and some myths of value investing such as
"Grown is not always good". After that, two main points of value investing are discussed, that are, how to calculate Intrinsic value and what is your margin of safety in value investing.
Value investors always buy good business in good industry with good management.
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24 October 2010
How to Exempt PTPTN Loan / Convert It to Scholarship
Categorised as:
As you all probably know, undergraduate with "First Class Honours" is not required to pay PTPTN loan and can convert it as scholarship. If undergraduates who hope to exempt PTPTN loan, one simple thing can do is do your role as students and get first class at the end of the Undergraduate Degree Journey.
All latest information about this exemption scheme can be found in PTPTN official website. Basically, all we need to do is to prove a official letter, a verified copy of the degree certificate, and a verified copy of transcript. But for those from private university, a verified copy of program accreditation is required; and for those the degree certificate does not mention about "First Class Honours ", a verification letter is required to prove the certificate is equivalent to "First Class Honours" status.
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22 October 2010
Money as Debt by Paul Grignon (No Debt, No Money)
Categorised as:
"Money is a new form of slavery, and distinguishable from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal, there is no human relation between master and slave." ~ Leo Tolstoy
Paul Grignon demonstrates how to create money by recycling mortgage and loan in this video. First of all, "The Goldsmith's tale" is shown to explain the history of how and the money come from. Few important perspectives are described such as "No Debt, No Money", "Loans and Deposit", "Bank create money from nothing", "Inflation" etc. Some suggestions about this phenomena can also be found in this video. Finally, I hope you will enjoy it.
Paul Grignon demonstrates how to create money by recycling mortgage and loan in this video. First of all, "The Goldsmith's tale" is shown to explain the history of how and the money come from. Few important perspectives are described such as "No Debt, No Money", "Loans and Deposit", "Bank create money from nothing", "Inflation" etc. Some suggestions about this phenomena can also be found in this video. Finally, I hope you will enjoy it.
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20 October 2010
Why EPS, P/E ratio, NAV, ROE, ROA and dividend yield are never enough in investments
Categorised as:
Sometimes, it is quite common for new investors crazy about calculate so-called investment tools like EPS, P/E ratio, NAV, ROE, ROA and dividend yield etc during choosing a good investment. However, experienced investors always share their experience since investment is not merely a mathematics calculation and comparison. This article, Understanding Fundamental Analysis (Part 5), have explained the reason behind.
This article is using Lehman case as an example to explain why EPS, P/E ratio, NAV, ROE, ROA and dividend yield are never enough in investments.
This article is using Lehman case as an example to explain why EPS, P/E ratio, NAV, ROE, ROA and dividend yield are never enough in investments.
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17 October 2010
Debit Card: Shell Vs Petronas - Different First Charge Rate and Refund Period (Malaysia)
Categorised as:
Debit Card
I am used to using my debit card for buying petrol or gas to avoid running out of cash and to earn some bonus points. It was quite normal for me when the Shell charged RM200.00 initially when I used my debit card to purchase petrol. Then, the money (RM200.00) will be returned to my account and the price of the petrol will be paid from my account within three working days. In other words, we need to put RM200.00 "deposit" when buying petrol from Shell via debit card. I was thinking that every petrol station will do the something as what Shell do until I used my debit card in Petronas recently.
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14 October 2010
Bookmarks - For Malaysian Investors : Some Useful Links for Stock Market Investment
Categorised as:
Bursa Malaysia,
Fun Jokes,
General Sharing,
Stock Market - Free Online Tools
Stock Market Investment
- AmInvestment Bank
- OSK188
- Dividend News (股息派发时间表 - 最新消息)
- Bursa Malaysia : Listed Companies - Announcements
- ShareInvestor Malaysia
- The American Association of Individual Investors
- The Investor's Clearinghouse from the Alliance for Investor Education
- Wachowicz's Web World Web Sites for Discerning Finance Students (Book)
- Shareholder Letters
- Sports Toto is the sole national lotto operator with over 680 outlets throught Malaysia and offers 3 digit-type games and 3 lotto-type games.
- Magnum 4D
- Da Ma Cai
Online Investment Data
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09 October 2010
Time Management: 8 Useful Tips for Moms to Manage Their Time
Categorised as:
Self Improvement,
Time Management
Eight useful time management tips in this post will help every mom to make her time effectively and efficiently in such ways that all domestic responsibilities, kids’ needs, and even tasks at work can be done without affect the relationship with spouse.
1. Get organized
A well organized day will help every mom get away from the stress of failing to remember a number of appointments, unfinished tasks, and forgetting other relevant activities. This can be done by making a ‘to do list’ as a guide of the things that you need to finish during the day.
1. Get organized
A well organized day will help every mom get away from the stress of failing to remember a number of appointments, unfinished tasks, and forgetting other relevant activities. This can be done by making a ‘to do list’ as a guide of the things that you need to finish during the day.
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08 October 2010
A Reply about McDonald's Seasonal Promotion - email scam
Categorised as:
Experince Sharing
After receiving a reply from McDonald about my question, I can once again confirm that the liars or the spammers were attacking my blog last few days about one of my post regarding a McDonald scam email. Since the spammers or the liars were trying to convince me that I do the wrong in such a way that I will delete my post and more people will be cheated by them. I decide to share this reply with my visitors so that all of you can get rid of their trap. In order to take care other people privacy, I purposely delete the content of the sender. However, if you have any further clarification or assistance, you can just go to McDonalds official website and then write an inquiry via their system which is how I did last time.
Besides, I have purposely highlighted few important points to ensure that you will never loss any important information. The content of the reply is shown below:
Besides, I have purposely highlighted few important points to ensure that you will never loss any important information. The content of the reply is shown below:
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07 October 2010
How Spammer Attacks My Blog: Step by step Explanation
Categorised as:
Experince Sharing,
After attacking by spammers several times. I think I should do something to prevent them to contaminate my blog.
Firstly, I have changed my comment setting in such a way that only registered users can drop a comment in blog. It is really very hard for me to make this decision since I love to hearing something from my visitors. However, the thing is I have no free time to "entertain" those spammers.
Next, I will try my best to explain the way to recognize this spammer in this post. The archive of the comments from this spammer is shown below: (which included a comment from me)
(Note: This spammer was normally attacking my blog by using Anonymous account)
Firstly, I have changed my comment setting in such a way that only registered users can drop a comment in blog. It is really very hard for me to make this decision since I love to hearing something from my visitors. However, the thing is I have no free time to "entertain" those spammers.
Next, I will try my best to explain the way to recognize this spammer in this post. The archive of the comments from this spammer is shown below: (which included a comment from me)
(Note: This spammer was normally attacking my blog by using Anonymous account)
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05 October 2010
Stock Investment: The difference between Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis
Categorised as:
Generally, investors can be classified into three category.
1. Based on fundamental analysis
2. Based on technical analysis
3. Combination of both technical analysis and fundamental analysis
(note: gambling is not included)
Firstly, we should know why undervalued company is considered "cheap". This is because its market price has not reached its intrinsic value.
1. Based on fundamental analysis
2. Based on technical analysis
3. Combination of both technical analysis and fundamental analysis
(note: gambling is not included)
Firstly, we should know why undervalued company is considered "cheap". This is because its market price has not reached its intrinsic value.
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03 October 2010
Review: A Leader's Heart 365-Day Devotional Journal (John C. Maxwell)
Categorised as:
A Leader's Heart 365-Day Devotional Journal
By John C. Maxwell
Published by Thomas Nelson
“A Leader’s Heart – 365 Day Devotional Journal” is designed as a one year journal with “January 1” as its first page of content until “December 31” as its last page of content. Each day occupied only one page with a systematic structure, which is, starting with a short Scripture followed by a quote or a summary from the previous publications of John C. Maxwell, and then, ending up with a direct question. The remainder space in each page can be used to jot down a thought or answer for further review.
By John C. Maxwell
Published by Thomas Nelson
“A Leader’s Heart – 365 Day Devotional Journal” is designed as a one year journal with “January 1” as its first page of content until “December 31” as its last page of content. Each day occupied only one page with a systematic structure, which is, starting with a short Scripture followed by a quote or a summary from the previous publications of John C. Maxwell, and then, ending up with a direct question. The remainder space in each page can be used to jot down a thought or answer for further review.
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01 October 2010
Microsoft Word 2007: Display Endnote Cite Plug in after disable
Categorised as:
Microsoft Office
Endnote is a very citation management software for word processing software. A very not user-friendly about this software is no idea how to enable it after unconsciously disable it in Microsoft Word 2007.
Follow the steps below, hopefully, your Endnote plug-in function will once again display in your Microsoft Word 2007.
1. Follow the picture below, click on the button on the top-left side of the window, and then, select "Word Options"
2. Next, in the "Word Options" window, select the "Add-Ins" on the left column.
Follow the steps below, hopefully, your Endnote plug-in function will once again display in your Microsoft Word 2007.
1. Follow the picture below, click on the button on the top-left side of the window, and then, select "Word Options"
2. Next, in the "Word Options" window, select the "Add-Ins" on the left column.
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30 September 2010
List of Links: Self English Learning - Online Resource
Categorised as:
English learning
In this century, English, cannot be denied, is one of the most useful language in the world, from business, academic research, to the content of a website. However, learning a second language is not an overnight job. It takes time. Besides, to find a good teacher may be another trouble thing in the journey. One of the best way is constantly learning English by yourself in your daily basis. The good news is there are lots of free resources in Internet to help us to learn second language. Therefore, in this post, I would like to share some of my collection, which include video lesson, listening lesson, online dictionary, grammar exercises, writing activities etc, in my English learning journey.
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28 September 2010
Monetize Review: Google Adsense is my Final Choise in Blogger
Categorised as:
After canceled my entrecard account and follow by quited Adgitize program in the last monetize review, finally, I believe this is the time for me to stop CMF ads. There are three reasons for me to remove CMF ads in my blog.
1. The Google Adsense Revenue is Superior than CMF ads.
Why, I don't know. But what I know is the revenue of Google Adsense is more than 500% of the revenue from CMF ads in last six months. For example, when the revenue of Adsense reach around $20, the revenue of CMF in my blog reach only $3.
1. The Google Adsense Revenue is Superior than CMF ads.
Why, I don't know. But what I know is the revenue of Google Adsense is more than 500% of the revenue from CMF ads in last six months. For example, when the revenue of Adsense reach around $20, the revenue of CMF in my blog reach only $3.
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20 September 2010
Enjoy Writing Your Science Thesis or Dissertation
Categorised as:
After finished this book, what I can conclude is always make your thesis writing precisely, shortly, systematically and clearly.
1. Precise - Using "the length of the fish is 50m" instead of "the length of fish is quite long" make reader easier to understand and imagine what you are trying to describe in the text.
2. Short - Using "because" instead of "due to the fact that" to avoid wordy words.
3. Systematic - Have a plan for your writing. From Introduction to Conclusion.
4. Clear - Using correct grammar and tenses in the thesis. Avoid tenses interchange in a sentence such as "I was writing while my friend calls me".

2. Short - Using "because" instead of "due to the fact that" to avoid wordy words.
3. Systematic - Have a plan for your writing. From Introduction to Conclusion.
4. Clear - Using correct grammar and tenses in the thesis. Avoid tenses interchange in a sentence such as "I was writing while my friend calls me".
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19 September 2010
Time Management: 5 Helpful Tips to Manage Your Time
Categorised as:
Self Improvement,
Time Management
Good time management skills are needed for us to accomplish target on time effectively. This is an crucial skill for us to perform better at home, school or work. In this post, five helpful time management tips will be presented in such ways that you will have a better idea to become more efficient and effective with your time.
1. Avoid Being Idle While Waiting
Doing something that you can do while waiting is a good idea to optimize your time. Bring something, such as a report that needs reviewing or notes that you need to go over, that you can work on while you wait.
1. Avoid Being Idle While Waiting
Doing something that you can do while waiting is a good idea to optimize your time. Bring something, such as a report that needs reviewing or notes that you need to go over, that you can work on while you wait.
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18 September 2010
Effective Advertising by Article Marketing: 5 Key Things Neede to Know About
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1. What is article marketing
As you probably know, article marketing is one kind of marketing strategies will submit articles to different media in order to promote your business. These articles should give helpful content for the media (newspapers, magazine etc) readers, and subsequently, advertise your company either directly (mentioning your company name or product in the article) or indirectly (providing keywords in the article that will redirect readers to your website when clicked).
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17 September 2010
5 Interesting Choices to Make Special Personalized Baby Gifts
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Personalized gifts, such as adding baby's name on gifts, mirror the uniqueness of every baby. In fact, they will absolutely give more value to the gift and to you when they are old enough to understand the designs and name prints on their gifts. Here are some suggestions which you can used to make a meaningful personalized gift to your baby.
1. Personalized Music CD
This cute gift can be done by compiling a number of baby instrumental music in a CD and using a CD labeler to print the baby's nickname and the title you might want on the CD.
1. Personalized Music CD
This cute gift can be done by compiling a number of baby instrumental music in a CD and using a CD labeler to print the baby's nickname and the title you might want on the CD.
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16 September 2010
How to Boost Your Business by Using Internal Marketing
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Promoting and advertising your company online, selling your products and services through your website sound good ideas to boost your business? Indeed, endless opportunities are available in the Internet to expand your business. Four suggestions in this post can be used to boost your business via Internet marketing.
1. Promote and advertise your company online
One of the ways to succeed in Internet marking, of course, is having a website for your company. All the updated information about your company should available in the website. After that, you can start email marketing, advertising banners, online press release, article marketing etc. There are many ways to promote and advertise your company online. You could contact an online marketing strategist to assist you with your marketing needs.
1. Promote and advertise your company online
One of the ways to succeed in Internet marking, of course, is having a website for your company. All the updated information about your company should available in the website. After that, you can start email marketing, advertising banners, online press release, article marketing etc. There are many ways to promote and advertise your company online. You could contact an online marketing strategist to assist you with your marketing needs.
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14 September 2010
List of Links: Investment In Properties Malaysia
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Here are some quick links which you can use to save your time if you are interested in finding a property for investment or living in Malaysia.
Official Newspaper
Official Newspaper
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13 September 2010
Be Careful: 5 Ways for Identity Thieves Steal Your Credit Card Money
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Basically, identity thieves are thieves who steal other person money by "using" the person's identity illegally. So, what we need to know is how can they "use" other person's identity illegally and then be carefully and get rid of them. Today, this post is going to explain how identity thieves steal credit card money.
1. Get away from "abnormal" ATM or store terminal machine.
One should check the mouth of a card receptacle on an ATM machine carefully. A skimmer can be placed by identity theft to capture your credit card information when you insert your card into the ATM machine.
1. Get away from "abnormal" ATM or store terminal machine.
One should check the mouth of a card receptacle on an ATM machine carefully. A skimmer can be placed by identity theft to capture your credit card information when you insert your card into the ATM machine.
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11 September 2010
Tan Le: A headset that reads your brainwaves
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"Tan Le's astonishing new computer interface reads its user's brainwaves, making it possible to control virtual objects, and even physical electronics, with mere thoughts (and a little concentration). She demos the headset, and talks about its far-reaching applications."
Indeed, this amazing new human-machine interface technology is going to change our life style in future. I hope this technology can help those needy people to improve their life in the world.
Indeed, this amazing new human-machine interface technology is going to change our life style in future. I hope this technology can help those needy people to improve their life in the world.
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10 September 2010
Outlive Your Life: You Were Made to Make a Difference (Review)
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You Were Made to Make a Difference
By Max Lucado
Published by Thomas Nelson
A total of 16 chapters can be found in this book. In each chapter, Max Lucado started with an inspiring story and ended up with his thought. After these comprehensive chapters, Max Lucado used question and suggestion method to interact with readers in such ways that readers not only read and understand each chapter of what Max Lucado want to convey, but also will take actions, experience them in their daily basis, and outlive their live eventually.
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08 September 2010
5 mythes to speed up Windows computer
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There are too many myths in our Internet. Today, let's find out the fact behind these so-called tips to speed up Windows.
1. Go to Start -> Run -> type "prefetch", then delete all files in this folder...
True or not? The answer is NO!!! Firstly, the question is, what is the function for "prefetch" folder in our Windows? According to Microsoft official webside,
1. Go to Start -> Run -> type "prefetch", then delete all files in this folder...
True or not? The answer is NO!!! Firstly, the question is, what is the function for "prefetch" folder in our Windows? According to Microsoft official webside,
"...Windows keeps track of the way your computer starts ... saves this information ... in the prefetch folder ... Windows refers to these files to help speed the start process. ... prefetch folder is self-maintaining need to delete it .... If you empty the folder, Windows and your programs will take longer to open the next time you turn on your computer."
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07 September 2010
Futurelab - 21st century learners via innovative practice and technology
Categorised as:
Free Online Learning

Personally, I think this website provides lots of useful sources for both learners and educators. The thing is these sources are free for everyone. Publication which includes literature review, magazine, report, poster, handbook etc are available for visitors to download them.
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06 September 2010
Fundamental Analysis: Interest Coverage Ratio: Interest Expense to Net Profit Ratio
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Interest Coverage Ratio is used to assess the possibility of a company to be bankrupt. The higher the ratio of interest expense to net profit, the higher the possible the company is going to be bankrupt.
This is a very simple step but can help you protect your investment fund. Please always treat this as your first step before carrying out other complicated evaluation methods such as ROA, ROE etc.
This is a very simple step but can help you protect your investment fund. Please always treat this as your first step before carrying out other complicated evaluation methods such as ROA, ROE etc.
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05 September 2010
Fundamental Analysis: Return Of Equity, ROE, in a Stock Market Investment
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Basically, all investors wish to invest to a company which is using their investors' fund wisely. In order words, most investors concern about how much the company generate profits with one dollar from investor.
Therefore, Return Of Equity, ROE, equals to the net profit divided by Shareholder's Equity.
For example, ROE of 10% or 0.10 means the company has the ability to generate $1.00 with every $10.00 from investor. Is it a good deal?? I don't know. But comparison other company in the same section with give you a better understand about ROE.
Therefore, Return Of Equity, ROE, equals to the net profit divided by Shareholder's Equity.
For example, ROE of 10% or 0.10 means the company has the ability to generate $1.00 with every $10.00 from investor. Is it a good deal?? I don't know. But comparison other company in the same section with give you a better understand about ROE.
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02 September 2010
Can Penguin Fly? BBC 2008
Categorised as:
General Sharing
"Film maker and writer Terry Jones discovers a colony of penguins, which are unlike any other penguins in the world." (YouTube)
This is a very interesting and funny video which I missed to enjoy since 2008 until today. The following video is the description of how BBC make penguins fly!
I hope these video will bring lots of fun to my visitors as well.
This is a very interesting and funny video which I missed to enjoy since 2008 until today. The following video is the description of how BBC make penguins fly!
I hope these video will bring lots of fun to my visitors as well.
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01 September 2010
Fundamental Analysis: Return Of Assets, ROA, in a Stock Market Investment
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In the term of definition of Return Of Assets, ROA, is to evaluate the ability of a company to generate profit with a dollar of asset.
Therefore, ROA = (profit) / (assets)
But few questions exist here immediately, which type of profit should I refer to? and which type of assets should I refer to?
According to Wikipedia,
Therefore, ROA = (profit) / (assets)
But few questions exist here immediately, which type of profit should I refer to? and which type of assets should I refer to?
According to Wikipedia,
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31 August 2010
A Century Turns: New Fears, New Hopes--America 1988 to 2008 (Review)
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A Century Turns
New Fears, New Hopes--America 1988 to 2008
By William Bennett
Published by Thomas Nelson

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30 August 2010
4 Ways to Look After Our Brain.
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This is a video from BBC about how to look after our brain in such a way that we will have a health brain. The four important factors will be discussed, that are, drinkinng enough of water, having a good night sleep, having nutrient meals, and havig enough of exercises.
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29 August 2010
How to distinguish Stationary and Stationery
Categorised as:
English learning
This is a video from BBC about how to differentiate Stationary and Stationery. Indeed, sometimes it is quite confusing for us about them. The tips given from this video is the E in Stationery means Envelopes, A in stationary, on the other hand, means Attention. So, next time, when you buy stationery, remember to consider envelopes as well.
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28 August 2010
Using Imagination and Creativity to Remember a List of things
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As you probably know that there are lots of methods to improve our memory in such a way that we can remember a list of things (a least 10 things) in seconds. Actually, most of these methods are using both our imagination and creativity to link all things together. In other words, people who have both high imagination and creativity always have powerful memory.
Now, let's us to do a small experiment to justify this fact.
Experiment: Can you remember the ten things below within 30 seconds since you are going to buy them in the supermarket?
Now, let's us to do a small experiment to justify this fact.
Experiment: Can you remember the ten things below within 30 seconds since you are going to buy them in the supermarket?
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27 August 2010
Fundamental Analysis: Balance Sheet: Total Assets = Total Liability + Total Equity
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Balance sheet in a financial report shows the financial portfolio of a company. Three components can be found in balance sheet, that are, total assets, total liabilities and total equity. Therefore, from the balance sheet, value investors can figure out whether this company is using lots of debt to expand their business and boost their income or has ability to improve their financial condition in such a way that and thus reduce the risk of bankruptcy or others.
Yes, this was very strange for me as well when I first saw the formula of total assets equal to the sum of total liability and total equity. Don't worry, an example below will help you have a better understanding about the role of balance sheet in a company.
Balance Sheet: Total Assets = Total Liability + Total Equity
Yes, this was very strange for me as well when I first saw the formula of total assets equal to the sum of total liability and total equity. Don't worry, an example below will help you have a better understanding about the role of balance sheet in a company.
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26 August 2010
Windows Live Account: 4 Important Things You Need To Know About
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Today, I suddenly forget my Windows Live Account password. After reset my Windows Live password, I found some useful information from the Windows Live official email. Therefore, I have decided to share them in Xaivier Blog.
1. This official email was sent from "" instead of any other as what spammers always do.
2. In this email, it was found that it is a good idea do not click any links in e-mail. This is because fraudulent ("phishing") e-mail often uses misleading links. The recommended solution upon it is copy and paste the link into browsers directly.
1. This official email was sent from "" instead of any other as what spammers always do.
2. In this email, it was found that it is a good idea do not click any links in e-mail. This is because fraudulent ("phishing") e-mail often uses misleading links. The recommended solution upon it is copy and paste the link into browsers directly.
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25 August 2010
New Features: Traffic Source, Statistic and Comment Monitoring of Blogspot
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After the useful design feature, two more new features available for blogger now at
1. Stats
This feature allows blogger to track and identify which are their popular posts and which are the traffic source in their blog. The information of traffic source consists of referring URLs, referring sites and search keywords, which are very useful for blogger, as a reference, to improve the content of their blog. This is because blogger can use these functions to identify their strength, that is, which content can attract visitors. After that, blogger can move forward toward that particular direction to improve their blog and provide more related post to fulfill their visitors.
1. Stats
This feature allows blogger to track and identify which are their popular posts and which are the traffic source in their blog. The information of traffic source consists of referring URLs, referring sites and search keywords, which are very useful for blogger, as a reference, to improve the content of their blog. This is because blogger can use these functions to identify their strength, that is, which content can attract visitors. After that, blogger can move forward toward that particular direction to improve their blog and provide more related post to fulfill their visitors.
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24 August 2010
Laurie Santos: A monkey economy as irrational as ours
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It sounds familiar that human being always repeat their mistakes. But is it true?
In this talk, Laurie Santos has presented that the mistakes which human being made are predictable via a clever experiments in "monkeynomics". Through the decision-making of our primate relatives, this experiment reveal the roots of human irrationality.
Let's do the two experiments first,
Experiment 1. Choose a better investment return if you have $1000.
(a) The return is either $1000 or $0 when you have invested $1000 in a fixed period.
(b) The return is guarantee $500 when when you have invested $1000 in a fixed period.
In this talk, Laurie Santos has presented that the mistakes which human being made are predictable via a clever experiments in "monkeynomics". Through the decision-making of our primate relatives, this experiment reveal the roots of human irrationality.
Let's do the two experiments first,
Experiment 1. Choose a better investment return if you have $1000.
(a) The return is either $1000 or $0 when you have invested $1000 in a fixed period.
(b) The return is guarantee $500 when when you have invested $1000 in a fixed period.
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23 August 2010
High supply, High Demand and Not Profitable Business Ideas
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It is quite common for us to hear about high demand and high profitable business. If there are demands in the market, then I can make a profit from them by fulfilling these demands. Therefore, many entrepreneurs are looking for them. However, do you think about "what is high demand but not profitable business"? Is such business exists in this world? This is the topic today.
First of all, let's see the relationship between price and demand. Since high price might cause low demand and vice versa, the price and the demand are negative relationship to each other. From this statement, we know that the demand of a business can be boosted via lower its goods and services price. For example, if you are selling a meal which is 50% cheaper than the similar meal on the market, people who are used to eating this kind of meal will go to your shop. As a result, you have managed a high demand but not very profitable business.
First of all, let's see the relationship between price and demand. Since high price might cause low demand and vice versa, the price and the demand are negative relationship to each other. From this statement, we know that the demand of a business can be boosted via lower its goods and services price. For example, if you are selling a meal which is 50% cheaper than the similar meal on the market, people who are used to eating this kind of meal will go to your shop. As a result, you have managed a high demand but not very profitable business.
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22 August 2010
World Clock - Current time
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This is a quite user friendly world clock I found in internet. All you need to do is point to the location which you want to know about its current time.
Personally, I think this application is very useful for tourists who are traveling in other country and want to keep in touch with their family or friends by phone call. Without knowing the current time in their hometown, tourists might call back during a sleeping time for their family or friends.
Personally, I think this application is very useful for tourists who are traveling in other country and want to keep in touch with their family or friends by phone call. Without knowing the current time in their hometown, tourists might call back during a sleeping time for their family or friends.
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21 August 2010
The 6 Characteristics of a Successful and Competent Teacher
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Besides having the right materials and sufficient training, a competent teacher should possess certain positive characteristics which cannot be purchased from a teacher supply store. These kind of positive characteristics are already within you and just waiting to be unlocked, developed and honed. Therefore, you should consider the six characteristics below if you aspire to become a successful teacher.
1. Treat all students fairly
Of course, sometimes we do have our favorite students who are both hardworking and smart among other students in the class. However, the duty of a teacher is not only teaching, but also nurturing good characteristics to the students.
1. Treat all students fairly
Of course, sometimes we do have our favorite students who are both hardworking and smart among other students in the class. However, the duty of a teacher is not only teaching, but also nurturing good characteristics to the students.
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20 August 2010
How to Find Out When You are Chatting with Spam Bot
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Experince Sharing,
Personally, I believe a chatting spam bot is fulfilled the following criteria:
1. Random post something to attract your attention or curiosity.
2. Simply ask your question with a general answer. (not specific regarding your question)
3. Cannot answer a simple question if its programming does not cover them. (in this case)
"For example, are you a spammer?"
Last few days, I feel very suspicious about an account which are constantly trying to chat with me. Since I got some free time, I had decided to figure out who was there. Guess what, another spammer was confirmed within 20 minutes. The content of this verification testing is showed below:
----- Our chat on Tue, 27/7/10 14:38 -----
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17 August 2010
Project - Financial Statement Analysis
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This post is going to show you an article about financial statement analysis of the performance of a company from Personally, I believe that this article is very comprehensive and straight forward for newbie. Nevertheless, experienced investors can also use this as an revision for their financial statement analysis tools such as liquidity ratios, activity ratios, solvency ratios and market analysis.
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16 August 2010
6 Cute Ideas to Make Anyone’s Birthday Unforgettable
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Want to impress your friends, family or partner during their birthday? Besides giving a unique birthday gifts, here are some birthday ideas to put a smile on their face during this special event.
1. Express your greetings and wishes
A simple birthday greetings and wishes always make birthday celebrants happy by telling he/she that someone actually remembers his/her special day.
2. Write a poem or a song
Next, writing a poem to express your warmest greetings and wishes to birthday celebrants is not only very unique, but also adds to the value of the occasion.
1. Express your greetings and wishes
A simple birthday greetings and wishes always make birthday celebrants happy by telling he/she that someone actually remembers his/her special day.
2. Write a poem or a song
Next, writing a poem to express your warmest greetings and wishes to birthday celebrants is not only very unique, but also adds to the value of the occasion.
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15 August 2010
Six Principles of Life: Limited life versus Unlimited Money
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"Obstacles are those frightful things you can see when you take your eyes off your goal." ... Henry Ford
Sometimes, we might miss in this complicated world.
Sometimes, we might lost our principle of life while pursuing so-called fortune and treasure.
Sometimes, we might even forget who we are just because we are too busy and no time to think about it.
Sometimes.... we might let these 'sometimes' to be 'often' in our life unconsciously.
Therefore, we should always recall our self with the following principles:
Sometimes, we might miss in this complicated world.
Sometimes, we might lost our principle of life while pursuing so-called fortune and treasure.
Sometimes, we might even forget who we are just because we are too busy and no time to think about it.
Sometimes.... we might let these 'sometimes' to be 'often' in our life unconsciously.
Therefore, we should always recall our self with the following principles:
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14 August 2010
Relationship: 6 wonderful 50th Wedding Anniversary Ideas
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A 50th wedding anniversary is not only an ordinary milestone, but also it is a great achievement of love, loyalty, and dedication shared by two persons with one heart and one dream for fifty long years. Here are 6 suggestion to celebrate a couple's 50th anniversary:
1. Revive those oldies music
Those oldies music during the time when they were still lovers will always bring back those fun memories by playing hit music of their past.
2. Paint everything with gold
Make a celebration magical by choosing gold as your motif since 50th anniversaries are also known as golden anniversaries.
1. Revive those oldies music
Those oldies music during the time when they were still lovers will always bring back those fun memories by playing hit music of their past.
2. Paint everything with gold
Make a celebration magical by choosing gold as your motif since 50th anniversaries are also known as golden anniversaries.
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13 August 2010
What is the different between Scam Email, Spam email and Phishing Email
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Usually, all scam email and phishing email are spam emails. This is because most of them(scam email and phishing email) are just trying to "test their luck" in a mass of internet user. As a rule of thumb, normally 80% of your spam emails are scam emails or phishing emails. Next, all the phishing emails are scam emails because they are trying to cheat you in different method.
For a phishing email, it is usually targeting people who are panic and low awareness. A common example of Phishing Email is your bank account is going suspended now, please log on to verify it to avoid any lose. Therefore, please calm down and call your banker immediately instead of log in your account. Usually, phishing email will redirect user to a "duplicate fake official website". Once the user enter they password and username, the money in the account will gone in seconds.
For a phishing email, it is usually targeting people who are panic and low awareness. A common example of Phishing Email is your bank account is going suspended now, please log on to verify it to avoid any lose. Therefore, please calm down and call your banker immediately instead of log in your account. Usually, phishing email will redirect user to a "duplicate fake official website". Once the user enter they password and username, the money in the account will gone in seconds.
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12 August 2010
6 Effective Steps in Writing a Request to Get Free Promotional Gift Items
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In order to effectively write a letter requesting free promotional gift items for your business, the following easy steps can be considered:
1. Write a proper format request letter
A proper format request letter should includes a proper letter heading, address, greeting, body, complimentary close, and signature. It is because a correct format will help to create a decent letter, and subsequently increasing the chance of being approved with your request.
1. Write a proper format request letter
A proper format request letter should includes a proper letter heading, address, greeting, body, complimentary close, and signature. It is because a correct format will help to create a decent letter, and subsequently increasing the chance of being approved with your request.
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11 August 2010
6 Delightful Gift Ideas: Newborn Babies and Toddlers will Surely Love
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Buying gifts for newborn babies and toddlers is easy but to choose something special and something that they will surely love certainly is not an ABC thing. To make sure you give the best gift, you should give something that is really appealing to the senses of the baby, something that the baby or parents need, or something that satisfies both. Below are some great ideas for you:
1. Look for some RBW items for newborn babies
A toy or decor (balls, baby mobile decors, flash cards, crib decors, and even socks) that has RBW (red, black, and white colors) is one of the greatest gifts since the contrasting colors of black and white are the first colors that babies can see, and later on, red. These colors attract babies a lot and also help for the baby's brain development.
1. Look for some RBW items for newborn babies
A toy or decor (balls, baby mobile decors, flash cards, crib decors, and even socks) that has RBW (red, black, and white colors) is one of the greatest gifts since the contrasting colors of black and white are the first colors that babies can see, and later on, red. These colors attract babies a lot and also help for the baby's brain development.
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10 August 2010
Parenting Technique:Ten Smart Ways to Get Newborn to Sleep Longer
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One of the most challenging task for new parents is to get newborn baby to sleep longer. In fact, newborn baby sleeps for about 15-19 hours a day. However, it may not done continuously which may usually make parents getting really sleepy and tired before the baby does. Some of the tips below will certainly give you a hand for getting your baby sleep longer:
1. Create a conducive environment for sleeping
Same as adults, babies need a soothing place for rest so he will be able to sleep longer. To get the rest that you need, it would be better to get your newborn sleep longer during the night. Differentiate your baby’s afternoon nap and his night time sleep will help to adjust his sleeping hours. Dimly lit the room at night will help your baby differentiate night and day.
1. Create a conducive environment for sleeping
Same as adults, babies need a soothing place for rest so he will be able to sleep longer. To get the rest that you need, it would be better to get your newborn sleep longer during the night. Differentiate your baby’s afternoon nap and his night time sleep will help to adjust his sleeping hours. Dimly lit the room at night will help your baby differentiate night and day.
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08 August 2010
Book Review: The Marshall Plan(R) for Novel Writing. by Evan Marshall.
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The Marshall Plan(R) for Novel Writing
A 16-step program guaranteed to take you from idea to completed manuscript
by Evan Marshall
To be a writer or student, novel writing skills are very important to be distinction among others. This is the main motivation for me to read "The Marshall Plan(R) for Novel Writing".
This book is divided into 5 parts, from "Planning" to "Marketing". A total of 16 steps are used to clarify make reader easier to adapt these skills in a step-by-step format.
A 16-step program guaranteed to take you from idea to completed manuscript
by Evan Marshall
To be a writer or student, novel writing skills are very important to be distinction among others. This is the main motivation for me to read "The Marshall Plan(R) for Novel Writing".
This book is divided into 5 parts, from "Planning" to "Marketing". A total of 16 steps are used to clarify make reader easier to adapt these skills in a step-by-step format.
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07 August 2010
Webmaster Tips: Submit Your Blogspot Sitemap to Bing Search Engine
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To submit the site maps of your website to Bing Search Engine, all your need is a Hotmail account or any other Bing accounts. Next, go to the Bing Webmaster Tools to start this valuable journey.
1. Add Site
Use the Bing Webmaster Tools to improve your site's rank across all search engines, submit your URLs, and Sitemaps to Bing, get data on which pages of your site have been indexed, and your sites performance on Bing.
1. Add Site
Use the Bing Webmaster Tools to improve your site's rank across all search engines, submit your URLs, and Sitemaps to Bing, get data on which pages of your site have been indexed, and your sites performance on Bing.
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06 August 2010
Getting Started in Investment in Stock Market: Fundamental Analysis Vs Technical Analysis
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Stock Market
After about one year observation and six months study about stock market investment, I believe that this is the time for me to summarize what I have done and learned in order to rearrange my strategies of investment in stock market.
Basically, I have spent more of the time to study fundamental analysis instead of technical analysis. Although it is highly recommended to combine both analysis strategies, it would be a good starting point from fundamental analysis. This is because fundamental analysis can provide you a comprehensive information about a company or stock background information which is very crucial in selection of stock. Technical analysis, on the other hand, uses the assumption of history will always repeat itself and human behave to predict the trend of stock price.
Basically, I have spent more of the time to study fundamental analysis instead of technical analysis. Although it is highly recommended to combine both analysis strategies, it would be a good starting point from fundamental analysis. This is because fundamental analysis can provide you a comprehensive information about a company or stock background information which is very crucial in selection of stock. Technical analysis, on the other hand, uses the assumption of history will always repeat itself and human behave to predict the trend of stock price.
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05 August 2010
Getting Started in Investment in Stock Market: Fundamental Analysis: Introduction
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By using fundamental analysis, one can figure out the intrinsic value of a company according to its (1) financial statement and (2) business perspective.
Fundamental Analysis in Financial statement:
There are three very important sectionswhich that investor needs need to look around for in financial statement or financial report, that are, (1) balance sheet, (2) income statement and (3) cash flow statement.
1. Balance sheet in a financial report tells the financial portfolio of a company. Three components can be found in balance sheet, that are, total assets, total liabilities and total equity. Therefore, from the balance sheet, value investors can figure out whether this company is using lots of debt to expand their business and boost their income or has ability to improve their financial conditionin such a way that to reduce the risk of bankruptcy or other.
Fundamental Analysis in Financial statement:
There are three very important sections
1. Balance sheet in a financial report tells the financial portfolio of a company. Three components can be found in balance sheet, that are, total assets, total liabilities and total equity. Therefore, from the balance sheet, value investors can figure out whether this company is using lots of debt to expand their business and boost their income or has ability to improve their financial condition
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04 August 2010
Protect Your Friends' Identities When Forward an Email (Email tips)
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Sometimes, we are used to sharing our interesting email by pressing a forward button and then entering all our best friends' email address in our email account.
Be careful, this kind of behave will indirectly expose your friends' email address to strangers unconciously.
Therefore, the best to forward your interesting email to your friends is using BCC instead of CC and To. According to WikiPedia, "blind carbon copy (abbreviated Bcc:) refers to the practice of sending a message to multiple recipients in such a way that conceals individual email addresses (mentioned in "to" field of the mail) from the complete list of recipients." Therefore, this is the best way to protect your friends' email address while sharing interesting email.
Be careful, this kind of behave will indirectly expose your friends' email address to strangers unconciously.
Therefore, the best to forward your interesting email to your friends is using BCC instead of CC and To. According to WikiPedia, "blind carbon copy (abbreviated Bcc:) refers to the practice of sending a message to multiple recipients in such a way that conceals individual email addresses (mentioned in "to" field of the mail) from the complete list of recipients." Therefore, this is the best way to protect your friends' email address while sharing interesting email.
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01 August 2010
4 Essential Factors that Make Up a Good Web Page
Categorised as:
With many advantages of Internet, most business owners are willing to pay to the professionals do the programming for a quality web page in their business. As a result, many programmers are now accepting this kind of jobs like marketing. As a client, you should consider certain factors, which are listed below, to distinguish whether the web page is good enough for you business:
1. Purpose - Always make sure the purpose of web page can be aligned to your business goal. Make one with product navigation and payment methods, for example, if you plan to make the web page as a company’s outlet to accept orders
2. Content - Always make sure the contents are clearly stated and can be easily understood. The information like item descriptions and prices should be placed where it is prominent and readily accessible by the customers, for instance, if the website is more on advertising products. Besides, don't forget to update the website on a regular basis; make sure that all links are working; and the website can be browsed in different browsers e.g. IE, Firefox, Google Chrome etc.
1. Purpose - Always make sure the purpose of web page can be aligned to your business goal. Make one with product navigation and payment methods, for example, if you plan to make the web page as a company’s outlet to accept orders
2. Content - Always make sure the contents are clearly stated and can be easily understood. The information like item descriptions and prices should be placed where it is prominent and readily accessible by the customers, for instance, if the website is more on advertising products. Besides, don't forget to update the website on a regular basis; make sure that all links are working; and the website can be browsed in different browsers e.g. IE, Firefox, Google Chrome etc.
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31 July 2010
Science Fair Projects: 2 Easy Choices on Robots Building Project
Categorised as:
A robot project will challenge the designing, building, programming and electronic capabilities of every student. Two simple kinds of robot projects are shown below:
1. Using Household Items
Household items, include old boxes or new card boards, glue, scissors, tin foil, soft drink lids, old clothing, ice cream containers, straws, crayons and paper, can be used to build robots. Although it might quite difficult to build an electronic controllable robot like using robot kits, it would definitely stir the imagination and creativity in students. Two steps to build a robot via household items are (1) Cut and attach together boxes or cardboards to form the shape of a robot using glue or tape; (2) Use the rest of the materials by attaching them to the general robot shape depending on which one suits best for the various parts of the robot. Besides that, metal flask or tin cans can also be used as the robot's body.
1. Using Household Items
Household items, include old boxes or new card boards, glue, scissors, tin foil, soft drink lids, old clothing, ice cream containers, straws, crayons and paper, can be used to build robots. Although it might quite difficult to build an electronic controllable robot like using robot kits, it would definitely stir the imagination and creativity in students. Two steps to build a robot via household items are (1) Cut and attach together boxes or cardboards to form the shape of a robot using glue or tape; (2) Use the rest of the materials by attaching them to the general robot shape depending on which one suits best for the various parts of the robot. Besides that, metal flask or tin cans can also be used as the robot's body.
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30 July 2010
Keep You Strong and Healthy: 3 Interesting Facts about Resistance Training
Categorised as:
Health Care,
Here are some interesting details about resistance training that will explain its nature and its benefits:
1. What is resistance training
Resistance training is a type of exercise that causes your muscles to work against a resistance using your own body weight or training equipment. Examples of resistance training using body weight are push-ups and sit-ups. Examples of training equipment for resistance training are elastic bands, weights, barbells, exercise cycles, steppers, tread mills, leg presses, and multiple-function compact training benches such as VigorFit, which is a less expensive alternative to Total Gym XLS.
2. How should you do it
In order to avoid injuries and to provide desired results, resistance training should involve progressive adaptation of one’s body to certain resistance.
1. What is resistance training
Resistance training is a type of exercise that causes your muscles to work against a resistance using your own body weight or training equipment. Examples of resistance training using body weight are push-ups and sit-ups. Examples of training equipment for resistance training are elastic bands, weights, barbells, exercise cycles, steppers, tread mills, leg presses, and multiple-function compact training benches such as VigorFit, which is a less expensive alternative to Total Gym XLS.
2. How should you do it
In order to avoid injuries and to provide desired results, resistance training should involve progressive adaptation of one’s body to certain resistance.
- Training Program in a Gym - Ask an advice from your instructor.
- Do It Yourself - You should know what resistance your body can hold that does not result to injuries. For example, you can start using lighter weights, such as three pounds per hand, and do it for only 20 counts. After a few days, you can increase the heaviness of your weights and increase the frequency of your exercise, gradually.
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29 July 2010
Important Ways and Considerations to Achieve a Realistic and Healthy Goal Weight
Categorised as:
Health Care,
To achieve a body weight that you always wanted to have, an exercise program along with a healthy diet are necessary. A surgery is not always the solution for a leaner body. Here are two important ways you should consider to achieve a realistic and healthy goal weight:
1. Set a realistic goal weight
First things first, set an absolutely realistic and achievable weight loss goal so as not to end up being frustrated. Besides, it is a good idea to consult your doctor first for ensuring that you have a healthy weight goal. Realistic goal is precise, prioritized, positive, planned and performance-based
2. Keep track of your weight loss progress
It is possible that you may feel disappointed realizing that your weight has remained the same even you are constantly and regularly doing those exercise programs. Four helpful considerations here to help you to keep track of your weight loss progress effectively:
1. Set a realistic goal weight
First things first, set an absolutely realistic and achievable weight loss goal so as not to end up being frustrated. Besides, it is a good idea to consult your doctor first for ensuring that you have a healthy weight goal. Realistic goal is precise, prioritized, positive, planned and performance-based
2. Keep track of your weight loss progress
It is possible that you may feel disappointed realizing that your weight has remained the same even you are constantly and regularly doing those exercise programs. Four helpful considerations here to help you to keep track of your weight loss progress effectively:
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28 July 2010
Beethoven Symphony No 5 in C minor. op. 67 - 1st Movement
Categorised as:
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Symphony No. 5 in C minor. op. 67
1st Movement
Allegro con brio
"The Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67, was written by Ludwig van Beethoven in 1804–08. This symphony is one of the most popular and best-known compositions in all of classical music, and one of the most often played symphonies.[1] It comprises four movements: an opening sonata, an andante, and a fast scherzo which leads attacca to the finale. First performed in Vienna's Theater an der Wien in 1808, the work achieved its prodigious reputation soon afterwards. E. T. A. Hoffmann described the symphony as "one of the most important works of the time"."(wikipedia)
Symphony No. 5 in C minor. op. 67
1st Movement
Allegro con brio
"The Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67, was written by Ludwig van Beethoven in 1804–08. This symphony is one of the most popular and best-known compositions in all of classical music, and one of the most often played symphonies.[1] It comprises four movements: an opening sonata, an andante, and a fast scherzo which leads attacca to the finale. First performed in Vienna's Theater an der Wien in 1808, the work achieved its prodigious reputation soon afterwards. E. T. A. Hoffmann described the symphony as "one of the most important works of the time"."(wikipedia)
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27 July 2010
Contact of Terminal Teksi of University of Technology Malaysia (UTM), Skulai, Johor
Categorised as:
Experince Sharing
Here are some useful contacts for those need a transportation around University of Technology Malaysia (UTM), Skulai, Johor. Of course, you can get a similar "card of contact list" in the Terminal Teksi UTM.
Based on my experience, some advantages of UTM Ex Cab compared to outsider cab service are as follows:
1. UTM Ex Cab provides a better service than other outsider cab service.
2. UTM Ex Cab will provide a resit which is based on standard fee but other outsider cab service does not have this normally.
3. The drivers of UTM Ex Cab are registered officially. Therefore, the character of drivers should be more secured and trusted compared to other strangers.
Based on my experience, some advantages of UTM Ex Cab compared to outsider cab service are as follows:
1. UTM Ex Cab provides a better service than other outsider cab service.
2. UTM Ex Cab will provide a resit which is based on standard fee but other outsider cab service does not have this normally.
3. The drivers of UTM Ex Cab are registered officially. Therefore, the character of drivers should be more secured and trusted compared to other strangers.
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26 July 2010
Place Google Adsense between Post in Blogger
Categorised as:
1. Login Blogger account and go to Design-> Page Elements
2. Then Click on "" at Edit of Blog Posts.
3. Design-> Edit HTML
4. Click "
5. Find <data:post.body/>, then copy and paste the following code:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> <b:if cond='data:post.includeAd'> <data:adEnd/><data:adCode/><data:adStart/> </b:if> </b:if>
6. Save your Template.
Feel free to give me a comment about this topic. It will be a great support to Xaivier Blog.
Written by: Xaivier Chia
Homepage. Advertise here. Subscribe.
2. Then Click on "" at Edit of Blog Posts.
3. Design-> Edit HTML
4. Click "
5. Find <data:post.body/>, then copy and paste the following code:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> <b:if cond='data:post.includeAd'> <data:adEnd/><data:adCode/><data:adStart/> </b:if> </b:if>
6. Save your Template.
Feel free to give me a comment about this topic. It will be a great support to Xaivier Blog.
Written by: Xaivier Chia
Homepage. Advertise here. Subscribe.
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25 July 2010
4 Healthy Ways of Losing Stomach or Belly Fat
Categorised as:
Health Care,
Here are some helpful ways that you can consider to get rid of belly fats :
1. Have a proper nutrition and diet
The key to succeed in your fat elimination program is to integrate exercise with a good nutrition and proper diet. Few tips are (i)eating in smaller portions of about 4 to 5 times per day instead of overeating in one or two meal times; (ii) taking vitamins and supplements; (iii) choosing natural and or organic food; and (iv) having a large amount of fiber and protein in your food intake
2. Engage in aerobic exercise
Aerobic exercise such as bicycling, jogging, walking, swimming, dancing and stair climbing are great for burning belly fat. However, you should consider to do these exercises at least 30 minutes if you wish to burn the fats in your abdominal area.
1. Have a proper nutrition and diet
The key to succeed in your fat elimination program is to integrate exercise with a good nutrition and proper diet. Few tips are (i)eating in smaller portions of about 4 to 5 times per day instead of overeating in one or two meal times; (ii) taking vitamins and supplements; (iii) choosing natural and or organic food; and (iv) having a large amount of fiber and protein in your food intake
2. Engage in aerobic exercise
Aerobic exercise such as bicycling, jogging, walking, swimming, dancing and stair climbing are great for burning belly fat. However, you should consider to do these exercises at least 30 minutes if you wish to burn the fats in your abdominal area.
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24 July 2010
Precaution When Using Blogger Template Designer To Enrich Your Blog
Categorised as:
This was a horrible experience for me yesterday. After select and apply my favorite Blogger Template, I found that my Yahoo! Pipes did not show any updated in my blog!! Usually, the Yahoo! Pipes will show around 25 latest posts from Xaivier Blog from time to time.
Without any hesitation, I went and checked my Google Site via Google Webmaster Tools immediately. Again, found that my submitted links were 211 but with ZERO URLs in web index!!!!
This is impossible. I told myself. But I knew that was something wrong in the new template. Luckily, I have downloaded the old template last week. After upload the old template and wait about 20 minutes, finally, it shown 152 URLs in web index after I resubmitted my Sitemaps again.
Without any hesitation, I went and checked my Google Site via Google Webmaster Tools immediately. Again, found that my submitted links were 211 but with ZERO URLs in web index!!!!
This is impossible. I told myself. But I knew that was something wrong in the new template. Luckily, I have downloaded the old template last week. After upload the old template and wait about 20 minutes, finally, it shown 152 URLs in web index after I resubmitted my Sitemaps again.
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23 July 2010
Metabolism and Its Relationship with Weight Gain
Categorised as:
Health Care,
- is a physical and chemical process occurring naturally in the body to sustain life.
- is the rate at which your body is capable of using energy as well as burning your calories.
- functions the same way in every individual.
However, every person has vary rate at which the nutrients are metabolizes. Two aspects of metabolism to help you in fully understanding its connection with weight gain:
1. Factors affecting metabolism
- is a physical and chemical process occurring naturally in the body to sustain life.
- is the rate at which your body is capable of using energy as well as burning your calories.
- functions the same way in every individual.
However, every person has vary rate at which the nutrients are metabolizes. Two aspects of metabolism to help you in fully understanding its connection with weight gain:
1. Factors affecting metabolism
- Height - Taller individuals are most likely to have faster metabolic rates than shorter individuals.
- Body composition - Individuals with more muscles and more body weight have the tendency to have higher metabolic rates than those with thinner built.
- Activity - Engaging in exercise activities will promote an increase in metabolism. The more you move, the better it is for your metabolism.
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Useful Widgets from BBC: BBC iPlayer, World On The Move, Football Player
Categorised as:
BBC iPlayer
"This BBC iPlayer widget allows you to listen to the BBC's national radio stations via the internet. It will open the iPlayer playing the station of your choice in a separate window. You can share the widget with friends or even post the widget to your favourite blog or profile page including popular search engines and social media platforms like Google and Facebook."
"This BBC iPlayer widget allows you to listen to the BBC's national radio stations via the internet. It will open the iPlayer playing the station of your choice in a separate window. You can share the widget with friends or even post the widget to your favourite blog or profile page including popular search engines and social media platforms like Google and Facebook."
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22 July 2010
3 Top Priorities in Choosing the Right Weight Loss Program
Categorised as:
Health Care,
Besides asking those who have tried that plan about the pros and cons. Here are three suggestions which you should should do in making your choice:
1. Inquire on important questions
Before an effective weight loss programs is chosen, there are some critical aspects to be considered:
1. Inquire on important questions
Before an effective weight loss programs is chosen, there are some critical aspects to be considered:
- threats or risks to health
- customer support offered
- special diet supplements required
- refunds available when dissatisfied with the program
- cost of the plan (if there is any fee)
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21 July 2010
4 Good Selections of Sound Machines for Children
Categorised as:
A sound machine is a simple invention that produces particular “white” sounds or background noises like a heartbeat or a gentle flowing water. These kinds of sound will promote and maintain comfort and enable babies to sleep more soundly. Some examples of sound machine are shown below.
1. Sleep sheep on the go
This white noise machine, which produces 4 nature sounds like gentle stream, spring showers, ocean waves, and whale songs, is the compact version of the sleep sheep.
2. Sound oasis sleep bear
This battery-operated sound machine, which is soft and cuddly in a form of a teddy bear, produces 6 comforting sounds like heart beat, lullaby, womb sound, and mores.
This white noise machine, which produces 4 nature sounds like gentle stream, spring showers, ocean waves, and whale songs, is the compact version of the sleep sheep.
2. Sound oasis sleep bear
This battery-operated sound machine, which is soft and cuddly in a form of a teddy bear, produces 6 comforting sounds like heart beat, lullaby, womb sound, and mores.
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20 July 2010
4 Ways to Exercise for the Body You Always Wanted
Categorised as:
Health Care,
Here are some of the suggestions you can use to get the desired muscles you have always wanted:
1. Do not forget to use your own body
To do resistance training using your own body is the cheapest and most practical way to gain muscles without have a machine at home. Muscles in certain parts of your body include push-ups and body crunches can be built up through body weight exercise. However, it is better for you try lighter free weights and fitness machines first if you are overweight or you are just starting out.
2. Make do with other resistance training equipment
By building up your muscles, resistance training is an exercise program that enables you to reduce your fats as well as increase your strength. Besides, you can make use of other resistance training equipment to gain muscles aside from free weights and fitness machines. These equipment, include exercise balls and elastic bands, are usually specific for the different parts of your body you want to build muscles on.
1. Do not forget to use your own body
To do resistance training using your own body is the cheapest and most practical way to gain muscles without have a machine at home. Muscles in certain parts of your body include push-ups and body crunches can be built up through body weight exercise. However, it is better for you try lighter free weights and fitness machines first if you are overweight or you are just starting out.
2. Make do with other resistance training equipment
By building up your muscles, resistance training is an exercise program that enables you to reduce your fats as well as increase your strength. Besides, you can make use of other resistance training equipment to gain muscles aside from free weights and fitness machines. These equipment, include exercise balls and elastic bands, are usually specific for the different parts of your body you want to build muscles on.
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19 July 2010
5 Practical Things to Consider before Buying Home Fitness Equipment
Categorised as:
Health Care,
1. Gauge the real need for a home fitness
In order to avoid your purchased equipment end up as a junk, do ask yourself whether you really need a home fitness equipment or not. It is good idea to purchase an equipment that can provide a specific exercise you enjoy to do. A stationary bike might suit to you if you enjoy biking, for example. One of the best way to know what specific exercise you enjoy to do is enroll yourself in fitness classes first.
2. Think if you have the time
Although you might really want to exercise, have the money to make the purchase, and even have ample space for your equipment, you might probably do not have sufficient time to exercise. Therefore, you might consider to do some adjustment of your time first to avoid your purchased equipment end up as a junk.
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18 July 2010
3 Easy Methods to Use in Teaching Your Child Effective Time Managemen
Categorised as:
Time Management
1. Managing time means fun
Always shows your child how to balance responsibility and relaxation, which will not only allow sufficient time to be allotted for playing, entertainment, and doing the things your child enjoys, but also ultimately make him the well-rounded individual that you want him to be.
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17 July 2010
2 Helpful Time Management Hints for Graduate Students
Categorised as:
Self Improvement,
Time Management
A Chinese saying: “An inch of gold can never compensate an inch of time.” It means that time is very valuable. Nowadays, young people especially graduate students always said that 24 hours a day is never enough. In fact, anyone in graduate school can simply catch up with all demands without getting burned out by following time management tool properly. Below are two useful time management tips for trying:
1. Employ a to-do-list
A to-do-list will remind you about daily tasks that you need to accomplish to attain your goals. It would be even better for you to have a template of to-do-list.
1. Employ a to-do-list
A to-do-list will remind you about daily tasks that you need to accomplish to attain your goals. It would be even better for you to have a template of to-do-list.
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16 July 2010
4 Feng Shui Tips for Home Remodeling and Beneficial Renovation
Categorised as:
1. Location of the kitchen
Kitchen, as the heart of the house, plays a vital part of feng shui since it is usually where people establish a positive qi. Prohibitions of kitchen location include never place the kitchen at a location where you can see it right after you enter the front door and it cannot also be seen from your bedroom.
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15 July 2010
6 Important Things to Look for in an Auto Insurance Company
Categorised as:
Six important things your should consider in order to find the best auto insurance company are shown bellow:
1. Search for a company whose coverage fits your needs
Always look for a company that offers you the most important auto insurance coverage which suits your needs and budget. The example of a insurance coverage is responsible for paying for loss or damages incurred from theft, the responsible for vehicular damages caused by collision (Collision insurance), or a limited medical insurance that pays for the medical expenses incurred by the insured driver and passenger/s who are hurt during the accident. Moreover, depending on your needs and budget, you may decide to drop certain coverage or add. For example, you may consider dropping collision insurance if your car is quite outdated due to very expensive payment.
1. Search for a company whose coverage fits your needs
Always look for a company that offers you the most important auto insurance coverage which suits your needs and budget. The example of a insurance coverage is responsible for paying for loss or damages incurred from theft, the responsible for vehicular damages caused by collision (Collision insurance), or a limited medical insurance that pays for the medical expenses incurred by the insured driver and passenger/s who are hurt during the accident. Moreover, depending on your needs and budget, you may decide to drop certain coverage or add. For example, you may consider dropping collision insurance if your car is quite outdated due to very expensive payment.
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14 July 2010
3 Major Differences between HID Lights and Halogen Lights
Categorised as:
HID (high intensity discharge) light comprise of two electrodes. The sealed gas, which comes in the form of paste in small amounts located on the inside of the glass, is ignited with the use of sparks that are jumping over electrodes. As the paste is ignited by sparks, the HID bulbs are then filled with gas, either metal halide or xenon gas to direct the color of the light it produces.
On the other hand, Halogen lights, used Edison’s concept (positive to negative electricity flows across a filament, which is a thin, small wire and is a poor conductor of electricity). This is why as halogen bulbs produce light, much heat is also produced.
To differentiate between these two kinds of lights, let’s proceed to their difference:
On the other hand, Halogen lights, used Edison’s concept (positive to negative electricity flows across a filament, which is a thin, small wire and is a poor conductor of electricity). This is why as halogen bulbs produce light, much heat is also produced.
To differentiate between these two kinds of lights, let’s proceed to their difference:
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Online Banking Safety. Halifax Online Banking. Phishing Email
Categorised as:
Be careful, this is some kind of phishing email. Phishing is a fraudulent attempt to get you to provide personal information, including but not limited to, account information.(
If you see carefully, this link given in this email will redirect you to instead of Halifax Online Banking official website. Besides that, according to the database in, is a 100% phishing website.
If you see carefully, this link given in this email will redirect you to instead of Halifax Online Banking official website. Besides that, according to the database in, is a 100% phishing website.
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13 July 2010
3 Basic Guidelines for Making a Personal Development Plan
Categorised as:
Self Improvement
A personal development plan serves as a blueprint to an individual as he makes his journey through self-enhancement and development. Here is a list of things you should do to make a personal development plan specifically for you:
1. Recognize your present state
First, KNOW yourself. It means that you have to know your present condition in life, which include knowing where you are and what you are like. This is vital during the process of making any self-improvement. Identify your strengths and weaknesses, then classifying your capabilities and shortcomings. Besides, you should also recognize what skills you have and skills you lack.
First, KNOW yourself. It means that you have to know your present condition in life, which include knowing where you are and what you are like. This is vital during the process of making any self-improvement. Identify your strengths and weaknesses, then classifying your capabilities and shortcomings. Besides, you should also recognize what skills you have and skills you lack.
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12 July 2010
7 Different Types of Business Insurance for Your Business Needs
Categorised as:
To reduce the financial risks brought about by unpredictable events like accidents, natural disasters, lawsuits, and so on, business insurance will be a great help. There are many types of business insurance. The cost in obtaining one will be different from one insurance provider to another. It is ideal that you ask for an insurance sales leads agent to guide you in choosing the best business insurance for you. Below are the different types of business insurance:
1. Worker’s compensation insurance
Worker’s compensation insurance is necessary for businesses with certain number of employees. It will cover the damages and medical expenses of your employees for on-the-job injuries.
1. Worker’s compensation insurance
Worker’s compensation insurance is necessary for businesses with certain number of employees. It will cover the damages and medical expenses of your employees for on-the-job injuries.
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11 July 2010
6 Essential Matters to Consider when Buying Prefabricated Garage Kits
Categorised as:
Prefabricated garage kits are very economical ready-to-install garage sets and are very practical compared with custom-made garages. However, in order to get the best one for all your garage needs, the following factors should be considered:
1. Choose the right manufacturer and shop
Always look for trusted and reputable prefabricated garage kit manufacturers. Try inquiring for packages that include the garage set and installation services. In addition, make sure you have warranty for your garage kit.
2. Size of garage you need and its location
Prefabricated garage kits are available in many different sizes. Therefore, you should always consider the size you need for the vehicle or items you will store, and the location where you will install your garage,
1. Choose the right manufacturer and shop
Always look for trusted and reputable prefabricated garage kit manufacturers. Try inquiring for packages that include the garage set and installation services. In addition, make sure you have warranty for your garage kit.
2. Size of garage you need and its location
Prefabricated garage kits are available in many different sizes. Therefore, you should always consider the size you need for the vehicle or items you will store, and the location where you will install your garage,
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4 Basic Things You Need to Know About Annuity for Better Investment Decisions
Categorised as:
An annuity is an insurance policy in which the money you pay is invested by the insurance company, and after certain period of time, the income made from the investment is paid to you. Some benefits of an annuity are it provides you with lifetime income, offers some inflation protection, it combines insurance and savings, it guarantees returns, and it offers better tax savings. However, investors should always bear in mind that it does not maximize your investment, it requires a large sum of money to invest, and it proves to be inflexible.
Therefore, the comparison between the three background information on annuities below are essential to help you make a better decisions:
Therefore, the comparison between the three background information on annuities below are essential to help you make a better decisions:
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10 July 2010
8 Important Features in Office Chair To Maximize Comfort and Productivity
Categorised as:
The eight important features in the office chair which you need to care about are:
1. Easy mobility
Last but not least, easy mobility should be considered because it will allow you to efficiently move to different areas of your office.
2. Movable backrest
It is essential that the backrest of your chair can be positioned in a manner that fits your job tasks. However, one should always make sure that the locking device is good enough to grip the backrest in place so that it will not suddenly tilt towards the back.
3. Lumbar support
Good lumbar support is very important to you because it will minimize possible compression or strain on your spine, specifically on the lumbar discs in your lower back. Therefore, it is recommended to choose one that has a contour that perfectly fit your innate spine shape.
1. Easy mobility
Last but not least, easy mobility should be considered because it will allow you to efficiently move to different areas of your office.
2. Movable backrest
It is essential that the backrest of your chair can be positioned in a manner that fits your job tasks. However, one should always make sure that the locking device is good enough to grip the backrest in place so that it will not suddenly tilt towards the back.
3. Lumbar support
Good lumbar support is very important to you because it will minimize possible compression or strain on your spine, specifically on the lumbar discs in your lower back. Therefore, it is recommended to choose one that has a contour that perfectly fit your innate spine shape.
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09 July 2010
First review about Paid Per Review
Categorised as:
Paid Per Review
comments company is established in 2008 and based in USA in State of Minnesota. As an American company, they are governed by American Consumer protection laws and business regulations that keep consumers safe from false advertising and unsafe products. Their company's and employees' mission statement is: "By Human Mind".

The question is: how to make $1000 a month by working at
Honestly, I am just getting started with this program. Therefore, I still have no idea how to earn $1000 a month by working at
However, there are few reasons for me to participle as follows:
1. Minimum payout is $50 via Paypal.

The question is: how to make $1000 a month by working at
Honestly, I am just getting started with this program. Therefore, I still have no idea how to earn $1000 a month by working at
However, there are few reasons for me to participle as follows:
1. Minimum payout is $50 via Paypal.
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Tutorial: Display best fit equation with given points via Microsoft Excel 2007
Categorised as:
Microsoft Office
This tutorial is using Microsoft Excel 2007 to display an equation with given nonlinear data. After that, one can use the equation to Y-axis value with its respective X-axis value.
Example: nonlinear data:
Example: nonlinear data:
X | Y |
2 | 3 |
3 | 5 |
4 | 10 |
5 | 20 |
6 | 60 |
7 | 80 |
8 | 120 |
9 | 200 |
10 | 400 |
11 | 800 |
12 | 1000 |
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08 July 2010
Logic Puzzle Game: Hashiwokakero or Link Bridges
Categorised as:
Brain Game
First and foremost, let's read through the game rule of Hashiwokakero or Link Bridges.
Islands are the cells which start out with numbers from 1 to 8.
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06 July 2010
Investment In Malaysia: Fast Links and Resources
Categorised as:
People like to find excuses when discussing about their financial planning. "I do not have enough money", "I do not knowledge", "I do not have time", "I don't know how to getting start" etc.
Therefore, today title is about sharing some useful links and website to help you move your step in the financial planning journey.
Therefore, today title is about sharing some useful links and website to help you move your step in the financial planning journey.
- Malaysian Investor This website provides a lot of articles to help familiar the financial tools in Malaysia.
- BankingInfo This is a one-stop platform that provides information, tools and tis to help you with your banking needs
- bursamalaysia This is a must go website if you are interested in investment of stock market or Equities
- Find Out More in this website
- Market Watch
- Investor alerts
- Securities Commission Malaysia
- Research Reports (CBRS)
- Bonus & Dividends
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05 July 2010
Experience Sharing: AirAsia Vs MAS airline: Choose it upon Your needs
Categorised as:
Experince Sharing
After having a trip to Sabah last few days, I would like to summarize personal experience regarding AirAsia airline and MAS airline services.
First of all, obviously, there are lots of people like to choose AirAsia due to its price. According to my view, actually, what you need to consider is whether you are going to have a visiting or have a trip.
For example, if you just want to go and see your friend about two days by flight. Air Asia might help you to save some money. However, one pre-requirement is you must online booking your ticket early.
First of all, obviously, there are lots of people like to choose AirAsia due to its price. According to my view, actually, what you need to consider is whether you are going to have a visiting or have a trip.
For example, if you just want to go and see your friend about two days by flight. Air Asia might help you to save some money. However, one pre-requirement is you must online booking your ticket early.
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04 July 2010
Venom and Song The Berinfell Prophecies Series - Book Two
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By: Wayne Thomas Batson & Christopher Hopper
The Spider King is planning to conquer both Allyra world and earth. People are in danger. This novel describes how the Seven, the seven young Elven lords, save Allyra world and earth. The Seven, they are young and lack of experience. But throughout the training, seniors will help the Seven to build the most powerful skills, discipline and team work. Finally, the Seven can make everything possible.
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03 July 2010
Find A Job In Malaysia : After Graduated
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Indeed, the source of job searching is very important for all job hunters. Therefore, I would like to share some useful websites which you can use to find your desired job via internet in Malaysia.
As my personal principle of "teach fishing skill instead of giving fishes". I think you ready have these fishing tools. That's all for today. More fascinating articles and sharing will be updated from time to time in Xaivier Blog. So, you are welcome to subscribe our feed, look at our sitemap or simply visit our Homepage.
Written by: Xaivier Chia
Others userful for world wide job seekers:
Update: 31/03/2011 - Reason: To enrich content and resources
- Job Registration For Public Sector -
- /
As my personal principle of "teach fishing skill instead of giving fishes". I think you ready have these fishing tools. That's all for today. More fascinating articles and sharing will be updated from time to time in Xaivier Blog. So, you are welcome to subscribe our feed, look at our sitemap or simply visit our Homepage.
Written by: Xaivier Chia
Others userful for world wide job seekers:
- (World Wide)
- (World Wide)
- (World Wide)
- (World Wide, except Malaysia)
- (U.S. region)
- (U.S. region)
Update: 31/03/2011 - Reason: To enrich content and resources
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02 July 2010
Shell Petroleum Development Company of England poverty Alleviation Program
Categorised as:
Actually, I am quite tired. It is because everyday "silly people" are trying to give me "money"... Again, a prize of Ј500,000.00 from Shell Petroleum Development Company of England poverty alleviation program
was released to me... But, obviously, this is another scam, spam and phishing email. Why? First of all, let's have a look at the content of this scam email as shown below:
was released to me... But, obviously, this is another scam, spam and phishing email. Why? First of all, let's have a look at the content of this scam email as shown below:
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01 July 2010
Felix Mendelssohn - A Midsummer Night's Dream - Wedding March
Categorised as:
"Felix Mendelssohn's "Wedding March", written in 1842, is one of the best known of the pieces from his suite of incidental music (Op. 61) to Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream. It is one of the most frequently used wedding marches, generally being played on a church pipe organ."
"A Midsummer Night's Dream is a comedy by William Shakespeare. It is believed to have been written around 1594 to 1596. It portrays the adventures of four young Athenian lovers, a group of amateur actors, their interactions with the Duke of Athens, Theseus, the Queen of the Amazons, Hippolyta, and with the fairies who inhabit a moonlit forest. The play is one of Shakespeare's most popular works for the stage and is widely performed across the world."
"A Midsummer Night's Dream is a comedy by William Shakespeare. It is believed to have been written around 1594 to 1596. It portrays the adventures of four young Athenian lovers, a group of amateur actors, their interactions with the Duke of Athens, Theseus, the Queen of the Amazons, Hippolyta, and with the fairies who inhabit a moonlit forest. The play is one of Shakespeare's most popular works for the stage and is widely performed across the world."
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30 June 2010
Export 300 DPI/PPI Resolution Picture/File from Open Office Drawing
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Nowadays, it is essential to have a 300 DPI resolution picture if you want to print it as a poster. Direct export your design into .png or .jgp with highest quality still cannot guarantee that the resolution is higher than 300 DPI.
But you might wondering how about 300 PPI? The answer is they are virtually similar to each other. After export a picture in 300 DPI resolution, for example. Picture editing software, GIMP, show its resolution is 300 PPI. In other words, you should not worry too much about it.
There are two way to export 300 DPI resolution from Open Office Drawing.
But you might wondering how about 300 PPI? The answer is they are virtually similar to each other. After export a picture in 300 DPI resolution, for example. Picture editing software, GIMP, show its resolution is 300 PPI. In other words, you should not worry too much about it.
There are two way to export 300 DPI resolution from Open Office Drawing.
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29 June 2010
Ayam Goreng Mcdonald ( Mcdonald Fried Chicken ) - Replace it if low quality
Categorised as:
Experince Sharing
The spicy fried chicken of Mcdonald are always my favorite meals. It is not only due to its recipe of the chicken fries, but also the quality of the chicken.
Everyone can make a mistake. As you can see from the picture, it is a white meat or black meat?
Everyone can make a mistake. As you can see from the picture, it is a white meat or black meat?
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28 June 2010
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov: Flight of the Bumblebe (Maksim)
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""Flight of the Bumblebee" is an orchestral interlude written by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov for his opera The Tale of Tsar Saltan, composed in 1899–1900. The piece closes Act III, Tableau 1, during which the magic Swan-Bird changes Prince Gvidon Saltanovich (the Tsar's son) into an insect so that he can fly away to visit his father (who does not know that he is alive). Although in the opera the Swan-Bird sings during the first part of the "Flight", her vocal line is melodically uninvolved and easily omitted; this feature, combined with the fact that the number decisively closes the scene, made easy extraction as an orchestral concert piece possible."(wikipedia)
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25 June 2010 is a scam? How long for cash out? Pending Audit?
Categorised as:
Experince Sharing
I was an active member during 2007. After participating activities in university, I became very busy so I was gradually forgot about in my life.
One day, I recalled back that I have a account and I decided to check it up. The minimum cash out was changed to 50USD instead of 10USD. And, my account have reached the minimum cash out.
One day, I recalled back that I have a account and I decided to check it up. The minimum cash out was changed to 50USD instead of 10USD. And, my account have reached the minimum cash out.
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23 June 2010
PPStream: Display Chinese language at PPS in Windows 7
Categorised as:
Technical Sharing,
Due to default setting, PPStream might not be able to display in Chinese or Mandarin in our Windows 7. However, as Windows 7 users, it should be a peanut for you to show Chinese language at PPStream. All you need to do is to change the option of Region and Language in your Windows 7. In this post, I am going to show you how to change the option of Region and Language.
First of all, go to
Control Panel
Clock, Language, and Regional
Region and Language
First of all, go to
Control Panel
Clock, Language, and Regional
Region and Language
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22 June 2010
The Most difficult subject in my bachelor degree program(Ten Criteria)
Categorised as:
Experince Sharing,
General Sharing,
According to my exam experiences after 4 years of degree program, which consist of about 40 final exam tests, more than 100 other tests and quizzes, I can conclude ten criteria of the most difficult subject which i had experienced.
1. Exam questions which you will never find in notes, lecturer's slides, etc. In other words, there will be no difference even if you study hard.
2. Lecturer's presentation slides are totally disorder and incomplete. They will just make you more confusing if you are trying to digest them.
3. You have no idea about what he or she tries to present during his or her lecture. More than 50% of the students are sleeping during the lecture. The remainder 50% of the students just woke up from their bed (because this is a morning lecture).
1. Exam questions which you will never find in notes, lecturer's slides, etc. In other words, there will be no difference even if you study hard.
2. Lecturer's presentation slides are totally disorder and incomplete. They will just make you more confusing if you are trying to digest them.
3. You have no idea about what he or she tries to present during his or her lecture. More than 50% of the students are sleeping during the lecture. The remainder 50% of the students just woke up from their bed (because this is a morning lecture).
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21 June 2010
Questions for Entrepreneurs to Startup a Business
Categorised as:
Technical Sharing
This is a very important business self assessment for all potential entrepreneurs who wish to own a business. I was found these questions in The Malaysian Life Sciences Capital Fund (MLSCF) official website. And then, I feel these question are very useful and decide to share them in my blog.
Questions for Entrepreneurs
The Market- Is there a need?
- Who cares?
- Have the market segments been identified and are they well developed?
- Is the market large, and how fast will it grow?
- Can the company establish a defensible market position?
- Is there or will there be formidable competition?
- How long is the sales cycle?
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